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Fine-tune LLaMA with DeepSpeed

WARNING: This code was not tested at all. This was adapted from a private repo blindly without ever having been run. Expect it to not run from the first few attempts and to have numerous bugs.

This directory contains code to fine-tune a LLaMA model with DeepSpeed on a compute cluster.

It assumes that you have access to a compute cluster with a SLURM scheduler and access to the LLaMA model weights. In particular, the path to the model is currently hardcoded.


git clone
cd deepspeed_llama
pip install -e .


  1. First, add your W&B API key to the environment:
export WANDB_API_KEY=your_api_key
  1. To fine-tune a 13B model, run the following command:
python run/ --experiment_name "testing" --config_file experiments/example_sweeps/13b.yaml

Can use the flag --run_interactive to select the interactive partition (which may be more empty).

This will run a sweep of experiments defined in experiments/example_sweeps/13b.yaml and log the learning curves and results to W&B.

Notice the above file must be run in the head node, as it calls a slurm script (run/ that submit jobs to the cluster. In turn, the slurm script calls the run/ Python script.

The results are stored in the folder where the yaml file is situated. A logs subfolder will contain log file from slurm script. A sweep_configs folder will contain the config used in the sweep and subfolders containing the model weights at the end of training and other things.

The file size is large: 7B -> 13GB.

Model File Size (GB)
7B 13
30B 61


Only Linux.

The hardware requirements aren't clear for now. This was only run on 80GB A100 GPUs. Only one GPU should be necessary for the finetuning, but more GPUs will speed up the training significantly.

NB: RAM usage scales with the number of GPUs. E.g. LLaMA-13B loaded in BF16 takes up ~26GB of RAM per GPU before being transferred to the GPU. This way, fine-tuning a 30B model on 8xA100 requires at least 480GB of RAM, with some overhead (to be safe, I'd say you should have 600GB.)

Training Speed

The following table shows the training speed of LLaMA on 8xA100 on our cluster.

Model Batch Size (total) Dataset Size Time per Epoch
13B 32 ~13K documents (0.5M tokens) 8min (+3min initialization)
30B 32 ~13K documents (0.5M tokens) 18min (+3min initialization)