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A package to generate a complete documentation in your python files.


  1. Global Informations
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Quickly start
  5. Use with config formatter file

Global Informations

  • Author: LostPy
  • Date: 2021-04-25
  • Version: 1.1.0 (2021-05-16)


  • Optional:


To install this package, use : pip install git+

Quickly start

To document a python file or a package with pythons files, there are three steps:

  1. In python files to document, import pyDocStr with to_document decorator
  2. Decorate with to_document all functions, methods and class which must be documented. You can specify a description in decorator.
  3. Execute python -m pyDocStr

⚠️ To document methods of a class, the class must be decorated with to_document decorator (and all methods which must be decorated).

Add docstring to a file

To document a file, use the command: python -m pyDocStr path/of/your/

Example with

from pyDocStr import to_document

@to_document(description='A function which print these arguments.')
def function_one(arg1, arg2: int, arg3: str, arg4: float = 1.):
	print(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

@to_document(description='A function wich return a tuple.')
def function_two() -> tuple:
	return (0, 0)

In the same folder than the file: python -m pyDocStr ./ -o ./

Add docstring to pythons files of a folder

To document all python files of a folder, use: python -m pyDocStr -d path/of/your/folder.
If you wan't documented the subfolders, use: python -m pyDocStr -d path/of/your/folde --no-subdirs.

List options

name optional Description Value Default
file The path of python file to document (If --directory is not used. A path (str) None
--package The path of a package to document. If this argument is used, a script to document the package is created. This script must be execute with Python 3 to document the package. A path (str) None
--no-sub Specifies that sub-directories or sub-packages should not be documented
--decorator-name To specify the decorator name use for to_document decorator. It's used to remove decorators to_document. A str to_document
--output If a file is specified, this is the path where the new source code should be saved. If directory option is specified, must be the path of folder where the news source code should be saved. A path (str) The new source code is saved in the old file.
--formatter The formatter to use for the docstring format. simple or numpy simple
--config-formatter A file with the configuration for a custom formatter. A path (str) None
--level-logger The level of logger. debug, info, warning or error info

⚠️ All parameters are optional, if there is neither a file nor a directory specified, the help message is displayed.

⚠️ If there is a file and a directory specified, only the specified directory is documented.


The help message

usage:  [-h] [-p [PACKAGE]] [--no-sub] [--decorator-name [DECORATOR_NAME]] [-o [OUTPUT]] [--formatter {simple,numpy}] [--config-formatter [CONFIG_FORMATTER]]
        [--level-logger {debug,info,warning,error}]

A package to generate a complete documentation in your python files.

positional arguments:
  file                  path of python file to document.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p [PACKAGE], --package [PACKAGE]
                        path of a package to document. If this argument is used, a script to document the package is created.
  --no-sub              If you wan't document subdirectories of directory passed to --directory argument or subpackage of package passed to --package argument.
  --decorator-name [DECORATOR_NAME]
                        The decorator name use for 'to_document' decorator.
  -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
                        The output path, if not specify, the files are overwrite. The output must be a folder if --directory argument is passed else a file.
  --formatter {simple,numpy}
                        The formatter to use if 'config' parameters is not specified.
  --config-formatter [CONFIG_FORMATTER]
                        path of a config file for formatter.
  --level-logger {debug,info,warning,error}
                        The logger level.

Use with a configuration file

The config file

The config file can be a json or a yaml file if the yaml module is installed.

ℹ️ Note: To install the yaml module, use: pip install pyyaml

The configuration file must have the following 6 keywords:

name type description keywords
description str The description format for docstrings description
fields str The format of a field in docstring (fields = Parameters, Returns...) name, items, prefix, suffix
items str The item format, an item is an element of a field (parameter...) name, description, type, default
prefix str The prefix of name field use. The prefix is repeated so that it has the same length as the field name.
suffix str The suffix of name field use. The suffix is repeated so that it has the same length as the field name.

⚠️ Keywords must be specified between {}: "{keyword}"

ℹ️ Note: The keywords can be null to use the default value.

Example of a config file with a yaml file:

# The format for the description of a function or a class. The key word '{description}' is mandatory.
description: "{description}\n"

# The format of a field in docstring ('Parameters', 'Returns'...).
fields: "{prefix}\n{name}\n{suffix}\n{items}"

# The format of a item in a field (a parameter...).
items: "{name} : {type}\n\t{description}\n\t{default}"

# The prefix use for fields. Use only if 'prefix' key word is use in 'fields'.
# This prefix is repeated so that it has the same length as the field name.
prefix: ''

# The suffix use for fields. Use only if 'suffix' key word is use in fields.
# This suffix is repeated so that it has the same length as the field name.
suffix: '-'  # With the field 'Parameters', this prefix give '----------' (10*'-')

Example of a config file with a json file:

  "description": "{description}\n",
  "fields": "{prefix}\n{name}\n{suffix}\n{items}",
  "items": "{name} : {type}\n\t{description}\n\t{default}",
  "prefix": "",
  "suffix": "-"

Command line

To document all functions and class decorated with to_document decorator from, use: python -m pyDocStr ./ --config-formatter ./config.json


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