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This is the source code repository of the API Reference Documentation of General information on OpenTripModel can be found at The reference documentation that is generated out of this source code repository is published at

What is OpenTripModel?

OpenTripModel is a simple, free, lightweight and easy-to-use data model, used to exchange real-time logistic trip data on the web. It provides users a standarised digital vocabulary to describe and exchange the information before, during and after transport operations within a logistics supply chain. Read more on the website.

What is in this repository?

This repository contains the OpenAPI specification for the OpenTripModel API in YAML format, as well as some tooling to automatically publish the documentation and to generate a simple stub server for testing purposes. Read the following sections in this README for more information about the tooling and scripts.

How to generate a distribution

The script can build a distribution on any system that has a bash shell. The resulting file is a distribution that can be uploaded to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This distribution will publish a ReDoc-rendered view on the API specification in the root of the server. The distribution also contains a Node.js-based stub server that will be running at the path /api/. This is what is currently published and running on the domain.

To create the distribution, open up a shell and type


How to deploy a new version on Beanstalk


  • Upload the generated file to AWS Beanstalk via the AWS web interface.


  • Use the AWS command line tools to create an application version and publish a distribution. You can refer to and to see what commands are involved.

How to run the server locally

The generated server code is placed in a dist directory by the build script. So to run locally, run the build script first, as described above. Then run:

cd dist
npm start

Now you can view the API in several ways:

  • To view the Redoc interface:

    open http://localhost:8080/

    The Redoc interface is the only one that displays the API in the right way, since it is the only UI that supports the discriminator feature of SwaggerSpec, that is used extensively in the API. However, for now, Redoc doesn't have a "try it" button yet, therefore, you can use the Swagger UI too.

  • To view the Swagger UI interface:

    open http://localhost:8080/docs

    Swagger UI doesn't display the API correctly, since it doesn't support the discriminator feature of SwaggerSpec.

  • To try the API with the stub server, fire HTTP requests to https://localhost:8080/api/.


Creative Commons License
All OpenTripModel documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.