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Louis Jenkins edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 1 revision


How To Markup

Code-Glosser, currently, can only markup a directory. This is because the file used to preserve the current session, session.json keeps track of the state of all files relative to the directory it is stored in. Being able to do it for individual files would be unfeasible, and unnecessary because you the exported files are only those that you markup.

When you launch the application, you will see a window like such:

Select File

You MUST select a directory: That is not a file, but a directory. Like such:

Select File 2

After this, select any given file from the directories. Note that this application is in Alpha, selecting a file that cannot normally be opened will cause it to crash (for now). See that I select src/kernel/mem.c

Select File 3

Double click on it and it should bring up the code, syntax highlighted

Select File 4

More Information

If you need more information, see the Code-Glosser demo on the, as it will demonstrate how to begin marking up.

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