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The phpNet library provides functionality to perform network-related tasks such as scanning a port, sending a ping, and performing a DNS lookup.


  • Allows for scanning a specified port on a specified IP address or domain name
  • Provides a method for sending a ping request to a specified IP address or domain name and returns the latency on success or false on failure
  • Allows for performing DNS lookups for a specified hostname and record type (A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, TXT)
  • Uses the phpLogger library to log information, errors, and successes
  • Can be configured with options like logging level to control the amount of output produced by the library

Why you might need it?

You might need it if you're developing a web application or network monitoring tool that requires such functionality. For example, you may need to check if a particular port is open on a server, or monitor the availability of a website by sending a ping request. Additionally, the phpNet library can be used to automate tasks like network reconnaissance and penetration testing.

Can I use this?



This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Please read LICENSE for information on the software availability and distribution.


PHP >= 7.0


Please disclose any vulnerabilities found responsibly – report security issues to the maintainers privately.


Using Composer:

composer require laswitchtech/php-net

How do I use it?

In this documentations, we will use a table called users for our examples.


// Import phpNet class into the global namespace
// These must be at the top of your script, not inside a function
use LaswitchTech\phpNet\phpNet;

// Load Composer's autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Initialize phpNet
$phpNet = new phpNet();


config($option, $value)

Configures the library with the specified option and value. The only supported option is level which specifies the logging level.

// Configure phpNet Log Level to Debug

scan($ip, $port, $timeout)

Scans a network port on the specified IP address. Returns true if the port is open, and false otherwise.

// Scan a Port


Sends a ping to the specified IP address and returns the latency on success or false on failure.

// Ping an IP

lookup($hostname, $type)

Performs a DNS lookup for the specified hostname and returns an array of IP addresses on success, or false on failure.

// Lookup a Domain