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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 16, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Unity Game Group Project

Group project for a university course. Developing a game with Unity!

How to make changes to the project

  1. Create your own branch in Github Desktop. Name of the branch should be the name of the feature being implemented, but also can just be your name, so we know who works on which branch.
  2. Make sure you changed your work environment to your branch in Github desktop.
  3. Work on your things as usual and make commits to your branch.
  4. When your feature is ready to be implimented to the main branch, make a pull request and add a comment what is being added.

How to make a Pull Request

  1. In Github Desktop go to Branch -> Create a Pull Request | OR press ctrl+R. You will be redirected to the page for making Pull requests.
  2. Add a title and a comment for your feature to be added.
  3. Press Create pull request. That's it. Make sure you DON'T MERGE the branches.


Group project for a university course. Developing a game with Unity.






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