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Contact Book

Frontend + Backend application that allows you to read, create, update and delete a list of contacts. All the fields are mandatory and there can’t be two contacts with the same email.

Quick Start Guide

NOTICE: You need to have installed Node JS (node version > 12)

How to start:

If you have decided to clone this repo,:

  1. Open a terminal in the root folder of your repository.
  2. Install the local dependencies by executing the following command in the terminal:
npm install

To start the project:

Once we have installed the dependencies, we are going to start the project. To do this, run the following command in the terminal:

npm run serve

This command runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

The project will reload if you make edits.

To compile for production

In this guide you can find the steps to deploy the app.

npm run build

To run tests

  • unit tests
npm run test:unit
  • end-to-end tests
npm run test:e2e

Resources and organization

A Notion page with a list of resources searched and used to carry out this project, and a kanban board to organize the work.

Despite being made on a Notion page, it's not necessary to have an account to view it.

Project decision making

The project has been made in a single app page, with:

  • A table with a list of contacts. Each contact have: First name, Last name, Email, and Phone number. The users will be able to sort the list by First name and Last name
  • A history of edits of each contact, accessible by expanding each line of the table

The whole project has been made in Vue.js, using Firebase to build a no-sql database to storage and manage the contacts.

For the styles, I have opted for two ways:

  • The use of Vuetify, as it offers ready-made and responsive Vue components.

  • The use of Sass as a CSS preprocessor, to achieve a more orderly code (since it allows nesting styles).

The tests are made with: