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M. Development with Eclipse

Laurent GAY edited this page Aug 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Install Eclipse

Eclipse is an powerfull IDE to develop application.
See this tutorial to install it:

By default, Python is not supported by Eclipse.
You must add PyDev plugin to support Python project:

Lucterios project in Eclipse

Lucterios is a framework for Django.
So, in Eclipse, manage your Lucterios project like a Django project. see

Viewer generator in Eclipse

We propose to you a smart tool to generate Lucterios viewer in your Eclipse project.

Installation & configuration

  • Download the tool: a python module contain in Core Lucterios package (see
  • Check that the python library "TKinter" is installed in your computer.
  • In Eclipse, go to "Run > External Tools > External Tools Configuration..."
  • Add new program:
    • Name: viewer generator
    • Location:
    • Arguments: ${selected_resource_loc}
    • in tag 'Common', check the "Display in favorites menu"


To generate a set of view associated to a model:

  • Open your model file of your Lucterios module
  • Click on the tool: "Run > External Tools > viewer generator"
  • A simple dialog is showing:
    • Select you model class
    • Select the type of view that you want
    • Select the icon to associate to this view
    • Validate

=> A new view module is generate in your current package.
You can edit it to customize with your needs.