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A Clojure library designed to implement a pperceptron and the P-Delta rule using core.matrix.

An alternative to traditional neural networks for function approximation.

A parallel perceptron (pperceptron or pp's for short), trained via the p-delta learning rule, can approximate a function from ℝⁿ to the range [-1.0 , 1.0]. It can do this to arbitrary accuracy given appropriate parameters. It was introduced by Peter Auer, Harald M. Burgsteiner, Wolfgang Maass in 2002 as per the paper here.

Read the paper to learn more.

While epoch based learning utility functions are available, they all fall back to iterative on-line learning implemented in train.

All meta parameters (like learning rate) are auto tuned, no parameter tuning is required (when training with train-seq-epochs). You just have to create an appropriate pp for your task.


add to project.clj

[org.clojars.ludothehun/pperceptrons "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

require in the library:

  (:require [pperceptrons.core]))```

Lets say you want to train a pperceptron to solve for the XOR function. Craft your data into the shape `[[[input1 input2 ...] ouput] ...]` . eg:

(def input [
    [[-1.0  1.0] -1.0] [[ 1.0  1.0]  1.0]
    [[-1.0 -1.0]  1.0] [[ 1.0 -1.0] -1.0]
 ;; Input-output pairs of the XOR function.

Create a pperceptron

(def pp
   2       ;inputsize    ;how wide is the input, for this example, we have an input of size 2
   0.501   ;epsilon      ;How accurate do you need to be. Use 0.501 for a binary pperceptron (which will return -1.0 or 1.0, when zerod? = false). Smaller epsilon will make the pp bigger internally.
   false   ;zerod?       ;true makes the number of intrnal perceptrons even, so it will be possible to respond with 0.0 as the output.
      ; & ops
;; ops options are:
;  :seed <number> ;;The random number seed used to generate the pperceptron, default 0
;  :size-boost <number> ;; How many times larger should the pp be internally then the default. Default is 1. >1 integer values will allow the pp to learn more complicated functions (with more inflection points)
;  :matrix-implementation <:keyword> ;; The core.matrix implementation the pp should use. Default :vectorz

In thoery, you can make epsilon as small as you want (but >0), to achieve arbitrary accuracy. You may run out of RAM or time however.

You can train the pp with

(train pp
       (ffirst input) ;input
       (second (first input)))  ;output to train with for that input

but this is only one instance of training, over just 1 of the 4 training examples. It can takes 100's of epochs for the pp to settle to the intended answer

To train the pp over n-epochs of the data, use train-seq-epochs

(def pp-trained  (let [n-epochs 400]
                    (train-seq-epochs pp input n-epochs)))

The pperceptron should have learned the input data by now.

(read-out pp-trained [-1.0  1.0])   ;=> -1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 1.0  1.0])   ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [-1.0 -1.0])   ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 1.0 -1.0])   ;=> -1.0

and indeed it has.

Note that it had to change each of it's pre training values (so it wasn't just 1 in 16 chance that it was 'correct' by luck after initializing). Use a different seed (or map the training over many seeds) to check for robustness.

(read-out pp [-1.0  1.0])   ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp [ 1.0  1.0])   ;=> -1.0
(read-out pp [-1.0 -1.0])   ;=> -1.0
(read-out pp [ 1.0 -1.0])   ;=>  1.0
;;all these are opposite of the target trained result.

You can ask for any value on the input side. In this case, we see that the pp-trained happens to be generalising well.

(read-out pp-trained [-1.8  1.7])  ;=> -1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 1.8  1.7])  ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [-1.8 -1.7])  ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 1.8 -1.7])  ;=> -1.0

(read-out pp-trained [-0.8  0.7])  ;=> -1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 0.8  0.7])  ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [-0.8 -0.7])  ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 0.8 -0.7])  ;=> -1.0

(read-out pp-trained [-0.9  0.9])  ;=> -1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 0.9  0.9])  ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [-0.9 -0.9])  ;=>  1.0
(read-out pp-trained [ 0.9 -0.9])  ;=> -1.0

Internally, for this most trivial of examples, the pp is represented by 3 by 3 matrix of Double's.

tast/pperceptrons/iris_pp_tests.clj has an axample of training over the Iris data set, where high accuracy is achived.


  • There are no guarantees of convergence or generalisation. Unless you feed a pp contradictory data, it should make progress towards a better approximation, given the epsilon of error you specified
  • A pp may be too small to learn a target function by default, you may need to set :size-boost option to > 1 for complicated datasets to improve accuracy.
  • If you want to create a pp manually, have a look at the make-resonable-pp implementation and the underlying record.


Please let me know if you find this at all useful and please feedback on github.


Copyright © 2014 Ludwik Grodzki

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Parallel Perceptron







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