These repositories store various (mainly unfinished) work made during my spare time.
I’m currently learning Rust 🦀 and also making some experiments on microcontrollers (Raspberry Pi Pico or Arduino) with Lego.
These repositories store various (mainly unfinished) work made during my spare time.
I’m currently learning Rust 🦀 and also making some experiments on microcontrollers (Raspberry Pi Pico or Arduino) with Lego.
# Notes about testing Rust on a Wandboard
## About Wandboard
The Wandboard is a Cortex-A9 ARM device sporting a single, dual, or quad core Freescale i.MX6 SoC
# Simple use of L298N Motor driver with two BBC micro:bit (1 for Motor Control, 1 for Remote Controller )

## Requirements
# Get "Astronomy Picture of the Day" automatically from
# Saved file is today-date(YYYY-MM-DD) + filename (example: 2020-04-28_Kepler90Illustration_Kepler_1080.jpg)
# Requires:
# - lxml
# - requests