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Presentation software based on Angular

Chirimoya is a presentation made in Angular that you can use as a template to make your own presentation. Check out the live demo.

📋 Requirements

1. NodeJS

Download from

In Ubuntu, you can install NodeJS typing:

sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm

2. Angular CLI

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

📗 Instructions

1. Download Chirimoya

git clone

2. Install dependencies

cd chirimoya
npm install

3. Launch presentation

ng serve

Go to http://localhost:4200/

4. 📝 Edit src/app/app.component.html

Use your favorite editor to modify the file app.component.html to make your presentation.

📐 Format

The format of the presentation is very simple, it starts with <presentation> and ends with </presentation>. In the middle, you have slides delimited by <slide> and </slide>. Each slide can be filled with any HTML code.



    <h2>Presentation software based on Angular</h2>

    <h1>Slide 2</h1>
    <p>Lorem fistrum de la pradera condemor qué dise usteer diodenoo.</p>

    <h1>Unordered list</h1>
      <li>Benemeritaarapetecan al ataquerl. </li>
      <li>Condemor mamaar.</li>
      <li>No te digo trigo por no llamarte Rodrigor</li>
      <li>A gramenawer de la pradera</li>


Chirimoya has Font Awesome Icons pre-installed.

  <h1>Paper plane icon</h1>
  <fa name="paper-plane fa-5x"></fa>

Code highlight is another feature of Chirimoya thanks to Angular Highlight.js


    <h1>Code highlight</h1>
    <source-code [code]="javaCode" [language]="'java'"></source-code>


export class AppComponent {

  javaCode = `
  public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Hello world!");


There are several types of transition between slides:

  • Fade
  • Zoom
  • Scroll
  • None

Default transition is fade. Transition type can be set at presentation level and can be overwritten at slide level.

<presentation [transition]="fade">
    <p>Fade transition applied</p>
  <slide [transition]="zoom">
    <p>Zoom transition applied</p>

  <slide [transition]="scroll">
    <p>Scroll transition applied</p>


Given the presentation is an Angular project, you can insert Angular components inside the slides 😎

  <h1>USD-EUR Converter</h1>

🔧 Build the presentation

To build the presentation type the following:

ng build --prod --base-href ./

Your presentation will be in dist folder. You can launch it by double-clicking on index.html


  • Editable source code inside a slide
  • More themes
  • More transition types
  • Segments


I want to thank the amazing Angular Málaga community for their support and advices.

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