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File metadata and controls

181 lines (164 loc) · 7.36 KB

💡 Summary

What is Abstract Data Types?

  • It is the interface.
  • Model for a certain data structure.
  • Like supertype in programming.
  • Ex: Stack / Queue.

What is Data Structures?

  • It is the concrete implementation.
  • Able to CRUD data in a efficient way.
  • Ex: Arrays / Linked Lists / Binary Trees.

Data Structure Examples


  • It is a DS.
  • Static Type Structure.
  • Easily to find if you know the position.
  • Very fast data structure.
  • Operations:
    • Find: O(1)
    • Add / Remove Last: O(1)
    • Remove Position: O(n)

Linked Lists

  • It is a DS.
  • Dynamic Structure.
  • Allocates memory in run-time.
  • To navigate backwards is extremelly difficult (Doubly Linked List is very good).
  • Has a pointer to the next node.
  • Operations:
    • Find: O(n)
    • Add / Remove Beggining: O(1)
    • Add / Remove Position: O(n)

Doubly Linked Lists

  • It is a DS.
  • Not so memory friendly.
  • Can be traversed in both directions.
  • Set of nodes that points one to another (previous node and next node).
  • Operations:
    • Remove Position: O(n)


  • It is an ADT.
  • Basic operations: pop(), peek(), push().
  • LIFO Structure.
  • Most important app: Stack Memory
  • Operations:
    • Push / Pop / Peek: O(1)


  • It is an ADT.
  • Basic Operations: enqueue(), dequeue().
  • FIFO Structure.
  • Most important app: CPU Scheduling.
  • Operations:
    • Enqueue / Dequeue : O(1)

BST - Binary Search Trees

  • It is a DS.
  • Basic idea to reduce O(N) search to O(logN).
  • Is a binary search tree when each node have 2 distinguished sub-trees.
  • Might be Unbalanced.
  • Keeps the elements sorted.
  • Much better than linear comparison, since the path is splited in the half proportionally.
  • Operations:
    • Find: O(logN)
    • Any Operation: O(logN)


  • It is the solution for BST (unbalanced trees).
  • It is a balanced tree.
  • We use them when we need to search a lot (because is rigidly balanced).
  • The heigth of two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one.
    • For that level, its root node can differ at most +1 or -1
  • AVL > RedBlackTrees.
  • The only different operation is during the insertion.
    • You must check if after the insertion, the binary tree is balanced.
  • Most Used Apps:
    • Operational Systems

Red Black Tree

  • Each node is red or black.
  • The root node is always black.
  • Every red node must have 2 black child node.
  • Every leaf points to NIL/NULL.
  • Every path from a given node to any of its descendants contains the same number of black nodes.
  • We use them when we need to insert/remove a lot (because is not rigidly balanced).

Splay Tree

  • It is a type of BST.
  • Most O(logN) but some O(n)
  • It is not Strictly Balanced Data Structure.
  • Basically, the only difference is that when we find the given node, we turn it into the root node (it is called SPLAYING).
    • This happens because when we want to find it again, it is going to be O(1).
  • Most Used Apps:
    • Cache


  • Self balanced trees like Data Structures.
  • Nodes might have more than 2 child.
  • Each node contains multiple keys.
  • It does not need balancing (but might waste some space).
  • Optimized for systems that Read and Write large blocks of the data.
  • Most Used Apps:
    • External Memory
  • Operations:
    • CRUD: O(logN)

2-3 B-Trees

  • Every node can have 2 data elements at most.
  • Every node can have 3 children at most.
  • All leafs are on the same level.
  • All data is kept in sorted order.

Priority Queues

  • It is an ADT.
  • Every single value has an additional prop: Priority Value.
  • The priority number indicates which "node" is going to be the next.
  • In a Priority Queue, the higher priority value (highest) comes first then the lower priority value (lowest).
  • It is usually implemented with Heap.
  • Very similar to the Queue.
  • DESC (Max to Lowest).


  • It is a DS.
  • It is like a binary tree.
  • It is line by line.
  • Its flow is always from LEFT to RIGHT.
  • It does not matter the smallest / highest read.
  • The only rule is that the parent must contains the MAX / MIN value.
  • Its completion works like that: ROOT, LEFT, RIGHT (Root > Left > Right > left of the L , right of the L, left of the R, right of the R).
  • We assign an index to HEAP and we read it in a dimensional array.
  • Root: "i" / Left Node: "2 * i + 1" / Right node: "2 * i + 2".
  • Operations:
    • Reconstruct: O(logN)
    • Insert: O(logN)
    • Delete: O(logN)
    • Find MAX/MIN: O(1)

Heap Sort

  • It is a sort algorithm (like QuickSort).
  • Uses HeapSort to find the MAX value.
  • It has the best worst case runtime.
  • If we find the item, we set it to visit (do not look for it again).
  • It is not a stable sort.
  • Operations:
    • Sorting: O(N * logN)

HashTables / Dictionaries

  • Collection of key-value pair.
  • "Collisions" is when we have multiple keys for the same bucket
    • We must use "Chaining": Indexes as Linked List for multiples indexes.
    • We must use "Linear Probing": Find the next empty slot in the array.
  • Perfomance depends on the Load Factor.
    • Load Factor: number of entries / number of buckets.
    • Dynamic Resizing is need sometimes.
  • Operations:
    • Insertion: 0(1)
    • Search: 0(1)