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Pixel Pizza by jaronetje


The first version of the pixel pizza discord bot
The new version can be found at Pixel Pizza 2


  • You are allowed to make your own version using my code (although I would not know why you would want to do that), but keep in mind that if you use this code you will have to configure many things to get it working. Pixel Pizza is not going to help setting up, because of the amount of time that takes

  • This repository is outdated


Director Commands
  • blacklist
    • blacklist a user from using pixel pizza commands
  • expadd
    • add exp to a user
  • expremove
    • remove exp from a user
  • expset
    • set the exp of a user
  • leveladd
    • add levels to a user
  • levelremove
    • remove levels from a user
  • levelset
    • set the level of a user
  • unblacklist
    • unblacklist a user from using pixel pizza commands
Staff Commands
  • accept
    • accept an application
  • application
    • look at an application by application id
  • applications
    • show all applications
  • backdoor
    • get invite link of a guild (this is used for if the invite is lost or has been expired)
  • complaint
    • show a single complaint
  • complaints
    • show all complaints
  • handle
    • handle a suggestion or complaint
  • reject
    • reject an application
  • suggestion
    • show a single suggestion
  • suggestions
    • show all suggestions
  • toggle
    • toggle a setting on or off
  • toggles
    • shows all toggles
  • unhandle
    • unahndle a handled complaint or suggestion
  • user
    • get a users info with the users id
  • worker
    • get info on a pixel pizza worker with the user id
  • workers
    • show all Pixel Pizza workers
Teacher Commands


Worker Commands
  • change
    • change the image of a cooking or cooked order
  • claim
    • claim an order as cook
  • cook
    • cook an order
  • deliver
    • deliver an order
  • deliverdm
    • deliver an order straigt to the dm of the orderer
  • deliverpersonal
    • deliver an order personally (can be done once a day)
  • deliverset
    • set your delivery message
  • images
    • search for images
  • look
    • look at an order by order id
  • orders
    • show all orders
  • remove
    • remove an order if it doesn't follow the rules
  • servers
    • show all servers the Pixel Pizza is in
  • unclaim
    • unclaim a claimed order
Vip Commands


Other Commands
  • anarchy
    • show info on anarchy day
  • applicationtypes
    • show all application types and if they are opened
  • apply
    • apply in pixel pizza for worker, developer, staff or teacher
  • balance
    • show your balance
  • balancetop
    • look at the balance leaderboard
  • cancel
    • cancel your order
  • complain
    • make a complaint
  • edit
    • edit your order if it has not been claimed yet
  • help
    • list of all executable commands
  • invite
    • invite the bot
  • leaderboard
    • see the pixel pizza ranking leaderboard
  • menu
    • show a menu of pizzas to choose from
  • myorder
    • see your current order
  • order
    • order a pizza
  • pay
    • pay someone money
  • ping
    • ping the bot
  • pizza
    • show a random delivered pizza
  • rank
    • see your or someone elses rank
  • rules
    • show the rules of pixel pizza
  • suggest
    • suggest a feature
  • support
    • get the invite link to pixel pizza
  • vote
    • vote for Pixel Pizza
  • work
    • earn money by working

Visual Studio Code Extension

I have made a visual studio code extension for Pixel Pizza developers which currently has many snippets for JavaScript, TypeScript and Java

Github Project


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published
