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Lukkit v1.1.1 - The 1.10.2 update

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@jupjohn jupjohn released this 21 Oct 20:08
· 470 commits to master since this release

1.10.2 compatibility

With this release brings the long awaited update to 1.10.2 (the latest version of Minecraft).
Lukkit's development has been dead for a while with the previous version being released back in 2012, so I thought it was time to pick it back up from @UnwrittenFun and update it.

What's new in this release

Major changes:

  • Updated event callbacks to 1.10.2
  • Upgraded LuaJ to 3.0.1
  • Implemented a /lukkit plugins command to display all loaded plugins
  • Added a TabCompleter for /lukkit [sub-command]

Minor changes:

  • Made the transition from Bukkit API to Spigot API

For those who use it, if you have any suggestions, submit and issue and I'll tag it. The more the merrier.

EDIT: the jar is no longer 20MB. My mistake, apologies.