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<!-- Can't decide which statement annoys me more in tweeps' profiles:
1) "views are my own" -> bc duh!
2) "my preferred pronoun is ..." -> bc "veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectus"

What this is

My new personal website created with R pckg distill

Where it lives

  • Local Repo - in /Users/luisamimmi/Github/LulaWebsite
  • Github Repo - at github
  • Deployed via Github Pages website - at
  • to custom domain registered with AWS Route 53 - at + How to configure AWS Route 53 to use your custom vanity domain (see instructions here) + Set up AWS Cloudfront Distributions to link to custom vanity domain (see instructions here) + (*) QUIRK: I had to add CNAME otherwise in every push, the domain gets cancelled ....


  • The file ./index.Rmd == the main landing page of your website | fill it with the content you want on your main page.
  • The file ./_site.yml == (called a YAML file) contains the main settings for your site that control the overall look.
    • this include what files are included and excluded from the site
  • The ./docs/* (or _site/*) folder == created and updated when you build the website. It contains the html files that are created from your Rmd files. Those files will be used by Github to display your website
  • more content.... all you need to do is edit existing or create new R Markdown (.Rmd) files (or,)if you don't use R code in your file, you could just use plain Markdown/md files)

How to generate local version

  1. From the Build pane, clicking on Build Website hammer icon
  2. Type rmarkdown::render_site(encoding = 'UTF-8') into the R console. This will:
    • Render all .Rmd and ,md files in the root dir into HTML (EXCEPT markdown files beginning with "_" )
    • Regenerate Blog posts\
    • copy the generated HTML files in the output dir (_site/* or docs/*) along with supporting files (e.g. CSS and JavaScript)

How to add a blog post

  1. create it distill::create_post(title = "prova", collection = "posts", author = "auto", slug = "auto", date = Sys.Date(), draft = TRUE)
  2. knit it or run rmarkdown::render("_posts/2022-04-13-prova/prova.Rmd") (posts are considered standalone documents that are not re-rendered when the site is built)
  3. build site

Publication page

  • I imitate the smart model of Joel Nitta. To make it work, I had to figure out a few tweaks:
    • Some type of my bib entries from Zotero were not being exported, but you can add in Zotero an "extra" field. see instructions here.
      1. Adding in in Extra tex.referencetype: proceedings --> makes the bibtex key become @proceedings{g20-italy_g20_2021, ...
      2. Adding in in Extra tex.type: conference Proceedings --> makes the bibtex key become @proc ..., type = {conferenceProceedings},....
    • In the functions I had to replace if ( (url)) return(NULL) (error when knit ) with -> if (anyNA(url)) return(NULL)\
    • adding ./header.html allows to use the Academicons icons (only fontawesome ones are inthe distill website by default)


This is possible thanks to the fantastic R package distill. I started from this tutorial. Here's another nice tutorial. Then I 'borrowed' the solution of Quang Nguyen to design the Project page and from Joel Nitta's website for the theme and publication page. Here's another nice example possibly for later (plus tutorial blog).


✅ debug Publications.Rmd [some issues witt function] --> simplify the icons like in portfolio.Rmd

  • actually I re-wrote the functions and moved to R/... but only for publications, for talks I do manual icon_links

☑️ write a make file to automate the update/re-rendering..