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A versatile and user-friendly bot for Discord servers, offering features such as Pronoun Select, Starboarding, Ticketing, Logging and more.
.gitbook/assets/Waya banner.png

🍇 Waya - A fresh new look

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{% hint style="warning" %} Please note that those docs are not done yet. Thanks :3 {% endhint %}

Overview of features

Waya is available in 🇺🇸 English, 🇦🇱 Albanian, 🇭🇷 Croatian, 🇫🇷 French, 🇩🇪 German, 🇦🇹 Austrian, 🇮🇹 Italian and 🍧 UwU.
You can help us translating at, don't forget to conntact us first!

Here are a couple of example what Waya is capable of:


This is the way to express your Pronouns. You can simply create an embed where all your members can assign their pronouns by simply clicking a button, they will also appear globally in the /info command. Selected pronouns will always be synced between all guilds Waya and the users are in, but of course you can select only server specific pronouns if you want.

{% content-ref url="slash-commands/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}


This Starboard is designed for your members and you to highlight silly, funny, weird, questionable and interesting messages in an extra channel for everyone to see. With Waya you can configure many of the things below, your community will love it 💕.

{% content-ref url="utilities/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}


Waya records all messages sent by a user, but of course that is not all. Waya also counts how long a user has been active in a voice chat and counts how many users a user has invited in the invitation ranking. The ranking always shows the top 10 members in your server's category.

Note that there are two types of rankings: the static one, which only shows the current statistics and your own position, and the updated one, which is updated at an interval of up to 6 minutes (or less/more).

{% content-ref url="utilities/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}


Log all messages on your server that have either been edited or completely deleted, with Waya style and broadcast, and catch hidden rule violations, trolls, ghost pings and more. You can also log all events of users joining or leaving your server. Whenever a user joins, Waya logs the user ID, join date, account creation date and invite link, as well as the channel it was created in, if any. There is also an option for data geeks 👀.

Captcha Verification

You can also have your members verified with a captcha from GeeTest. We do not use Google or hCaptcha to increase security as they are known to be easily bypassed. Waya also verifies the user's email address if it is a temporary mail. You can automatically assign roles if successful and punish people with a kick, ban, timeout or other role. We are number one in data security because we try to use, manage as little data and being as secure as possible at the same time.


You can you annoy all your new members with an extremely long message, customized embeds and/or a welcome card. You can also ping users in up to 15 channels when they join, assign up to 10 different roles and much more! You can also do the same if they leave and much much more!

{% content-ref url="greetings/welcomer/" %} welcomer {% endcontent-ref %}


You can create a shiny embed for users to create tickets on your servers. Of course, you can design the message embedding with custom elements as you wish. Yes, this also applies to the embeds that are sent when a ticket is created. You can use two completely different styles depending on whether your ticket is claimed or not. You can also prompt your users to add an opening reason if you wish. Transcripts are also supported and save the entire chat when the ticket is closed. You can also request a closure reason from your staff. And much much more is also supported!

{% content-ref url="utilities/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

Tags (custom commands)

This is the right way to create custom (slash) commands instead of saying the same thing over and over again. This way you can create a custom message with fully customizable embedding and message content. You can also use the placeholders like user information, guild data, current static date, current date with Discord formatting and ticket information if the tag is used in tickets (will be limited to tickets only) and more.

{% content-ref url="utilities/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

Embed Message Links

If you or your server members are used to sending many message links, but it is difficult to keep track of which message link goes where and what. You can set Waya to include the message content, media and embeds when you send one or more message links. The user who sent the message link and all server moderators can delete the message with the button.


Would you like a message to always be at the bottom so that members can read it? Sticky messages are the solution to this problem! Just set up a message with the command /stickymessages create, edit everything the way you want it, and it will resend the message every 6 seconds when new messages have appeared!

Legal mumbo jumbo

We make all reasonable efforts to keep your data private and secure and to comply with the law.


The documentation for the waya discord bot.







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