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Bot Stats (linked role)

This repository contains the documentation and source for a linked role bot that shows the biggest bot of a user in their profile.


Project structure

All of the files for the project are on the left-hand side. Here's a quick glimpse at the structure:

├── assets    -> Images used in this tutorial
├── src
│   ├── common
│   │   ├── config.ts   -> Parsing of local configuration
│   │   └── storage.ts  -> Provider for storing OAuth2 tokens and bot ids
│   ├── scripts
│   │   └── register.ts -> Tool to register the metadata schema
│   ├── structures
│   │   └── user.ts -> Mongo database schema for users
│   ├── wrappers
│   │   ├── discord.ts    -> Discord specific auth & API wrapper
│   │   └── dblstats.ts   -> specific auth & API wrapper
│   ├── server.ts -> Main entry point for the application
│   ├── types.ts  -> All the typescript interfaces
├── .env  -> your credentials and IDs
├── .gitignore
├── package.json

Setup project

First clone the project:

git clone

Then navigate to its directory, install dependencies and compile:

cd linked-roles-sample
yarn install
yarn tsc

Get app credentials

Fetch the credentials from your app's settings and add them to a .env file. You'll need your bot token (DISCORD_TOKEN), client ID (DISCORD_CLIENT_ID), client secret (DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET). You'll also need a redirect URI (DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI) and a randomly generated UUID (COOKIE_SECRET), which are both explained below:

MONGO_URL: <mongo connection string>
TOPGG_TOKEN: < token>
DISCORD_CLIENT_ID: <OAuth2 client Id>
DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET: <OAuth2 client secret>
DISCORD_TOKEN: <bot token>
DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI: https://<your-project-url>/discord-oauth-callback
COOKIE_SECRET: <random generated UUID>

For the UUID (COOKIE_SECRET), you can run the following commands:

$ node

Running your app

After your credentials are added, you can run your app:

$ node .

And, just once, you need to register you connection metadata schema. In a new window, run:

$ npm run register

And, if you are wanting to develop on it and change code. In a new window, run:

yarn tsc --watch

Set up interactivity

The project needs a public endpoint where Discord can send requests. To develop and test locally, you can use something like ngrok to tunnel HTTP traffic.

Install ngrok if you haven't already, then start listening on port 3000:

$ ngrok http 3000

You should see your connection open:

Tunnel Status                 online
Version                       2.0/2.0
Web Interface       
Forwarding           -> localhost:3000
Forwarding           -> localhost:3000

Connections                  ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90
                              0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

Copy the forwarding address that starts with https, in this case, then go to your app's settings.

On the General Information tab, there will be an Linked Roles Verification URL. Paste your ngrok address there, and append /linked-role ( in the example).

You should also paste your ngrok address into the DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI variable in your .env file, with /discord-oauth-callback appended ( in the example). Then go to the General tab under OAuth2 in your app's settings, and add that same address to the list of Redirects.

Click Save Changes and restart your app.

Other resources

  • Read the tutorial for in-depth information.
  • Join the Someone's server to ask questions about this project and other dev related talk.
  • Join the Discord Developers server to ask questions about the API, attend events hosted by the Discord API team, and interact with other devs.