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Getting Started

SHULKER edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

Running the main script

First launch

Checking the operating system

Every time you run the script, it makes sure that theoretically it will be able to work with your system.

This stage passes instantly, and at this moment the script understands whether you have Windows 10 or 11, or older editions, for example Windows 7.

If the script cannot recognize your system, it will write to you about it: We were unable to identify your operating system.. But you can still try to run the script on your device.

  • If you have Windows 8.1 or higher, then the file verification stage will immediately begin.
  • If you have Windows 7 or older, the script will try to find and install the "Compatibility Package"

Compatibility Table

Windows version Compatibility Powershell
Windows 11 Stable System powershell
Windows 10 Stable System powershell
Windows 8.1 Stable, but a little slower System powershell
Windows 8 Not tested System powershell
Windows 7 Stable External powershell
Windows Vista Not tested External powershell
Windows XP Not tested External powershell
Any x86 system Not supported ---

Installing and checking files

After the last stage is successfully completed, the file verification will begin. It will also pass lightning fast, but not at the first launch.

The script will check for 7-zip and FFmpeg. At the first launch, you probably don't have FFmpeg and Yt-Dlp, but they are in the compressed archive.

If 7-zip is not found, the script will give you an error

Archives with executable files will be automatically unpacked and deleted to save disk space. If they are not found after unpacking, the script will also give an error. This is quite possible if your antivirus considers unpacking the executable files to be dangerous actions.

After unpacking the executable files, the script files will be checked. If you are missing at least one of .bat files, then you will get an error. If you don't have the Powershell script files, they will automatically start downloading from the cloud.

If the script started downloading any files, depending on what you don't have, and it didn't find this file after downloading, it will return an error to you Error. The downloaded files could not be found.

If all files exist, then the script starts its work. Despite a bunch of processes that occur at startup, if you have a compatible system and the necessary files are not deleted, the script will run very quickly

Installing and checking files (Windows 7)

The process on Windows 7 is slightly different, but it has all the steps written above.

We are talking about a "Compatibility Package" - to work on Windows 7, we need this package for the normal operation of the script. So we unpack and also check its existence on Windows 7 systems

The entire package weighs more than 200 megabytes, which is the reason why the release for Windows 7 is about 3 times larger than for other systems.

If you run the script for all systems on Windows 7, it will try to download the "compatibility package", but most likely it will not be able to do it without this "compatibility package". Here is such a system. Windows 7 Powershell does not have a large number of functions, so for Windows 7 and below it is worth downloading the release for Windows 7, since it will already unpack the necessary files for the normal functioning of Powershell.

Please note that absolutely all unpacked executable files and not only DO NOT LEAVE ANY GARBAGE IN THE SYSTEM. All packages that are downloaded, unpacked, etc., are only in the folder with the script and do not go out of it. Only the user can create files outside the folder while working with the tool, converting, processing or downloading any media files.

The basics of how this tool works

When you start the main menu, you will be able to launch what you need. In this script, everything is done by pressing the keyboard

If you press the wrong button you will hear an annoying beep that is built into the Windows cmd. So be sure that you have set the right language on the keyboard.

Basically everything is simple, in different scripts you will need to click on the buttons, and the options will be displayed on the cmd screen.

In some cases (for example, when setting your bitrate), you will need to enter the value manually, which, in general, is also not very difficult. We have tried to make the instructions as clear as possible for people who are familiar with what they want from this tool.

Simple start menu meanings...

  • "Start Multiplatform Video Downloader" means the launch of Yt-Dlp
  • "Start FFmpeg Interface" means launching a tool for FFmpeg
  • "Credits" is a list of thanks to the projects that were used in our tool

The description of working with the tools will be on separate wiki pages.

Compatibility package

What is hidden behind this mystical name that we always use?

Our script uses Powershell scripts for comfort. Downloading missing files and opening file and folder selectors is the work of Powershell scripts. However, in versions older than Windows 8, Powershell is not so advanced, and cannot perform most functions. Therefore, our tool will not be able to be used. The way out of this situation was to use an external Powershell from the Powershell Team. The entire "Compatibility Package" is essentially a folder with an external Powershell and scripts that will access it, and not the system Powershell.

Also in the main menu of the script you can see which version you downloaded from Github (Release x.xx.x (extps or sysps))

  • sysps - Means system Powershell. This means that you have downloaded the normal version
  • extps - Means External Powershell. This means that you have downloaded the Windows 7 version with external powershell

I love FFmpeg