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feiben edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 6 revisions

In creation.conf file, there are two important variables full_index_mode and rt_mode. Their default values are:

 * full_index_mode will be officially supported since version 1.0
full_index_mode = off
rt_mode = on

If both of them are turned off, LunarBase becomes a transaction logger. In this case, you can only query records by their ids. Logs are located under the folder db_path/records, where there are segment files storing all the records you have inserted. All the segment files are named with suffix of increasing numbers:

Each of them has the same file size, which is specified by a variable records_table_file_bit_len in creation.conf:

records_table_file_bit_len = 28

In this case, the file length is 1<<28 = 256 Mega bytes.

records_table_file_bit_len can not be changed after database created as what the section indicated:

# ------------------------------#
# unchangable after creating    #
# ----------------------------- #

Edit it to be a proper value before you create a database. Make sure the size is less than 2GB (31 for bite length), any bigger number will never take effective, LunarBase will restrict it under 2GB. The default 28(256M) works for many cases.

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