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Ovidiu Cristescu edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the 🌒 Luna wiki!

🚀 Motivations

🌒 Luna is a React Native boilerplate with minimal configuration so your app can run on Android, IOS and Web concurrently. It was designed to encourage React Native developers to pursue such multi-platform apps without wasting too much time on the setup, while allowing them to choose the tech stacks they wish to continue with.

⭐️ Features

Running React Native on web would not be possible without react-native-web and we thank its contributors for doing such a great job, however their documentation mainly shows you how to add React Native to a web project, when in fact, it's actually easier to bring the web into a React Native project!

For demonstration purposes, you can follow this tutorial by Aurelio Merenda. However, later in development you might need to access webpack configuration. In order to do so without ejecting, 🌒 Luna is using CRACO.

I chose to also integrate those two libraries because they are the recommended libraries to use on the web. Users have reported that they had difficulties in integrating react-native-vector-icons for the web so I thought it would be a plus to our boilerplate.

TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale, that's why I chose to build 🌒 Luna starting from react-native-template-typescript