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Soft Renderer

This is a Tiny Renderer on CPU built from scratch, using OpenGL-similar API design. this project served as learning project and took quite a lot reference from project for multi-platform depolying.


I intend to implement a shader-based renderer that runs on CPU from scratch using c++ with minimum dependencies, with the following features:

  • CPU rasterization
  • Shading via shaders
  • Similar to OpenGL API
  • Cross Platform (MacOS, Windows)
  • Image and Geometry Processing

Shader-based pipeline

A simple example for creating a shader, simply inherit class Shader, you are able to access lighting, scene, mvp matrix, interpolated attributes and so on.

#include "src/api.hpp"
using namespace LuGL;

class ExampleShader : public Shader
    virtual v2f vert(const vdata in, const Entity * entity, const Scene & scene) const;
    virtual vec4 frag(const v2f in, const Entity * entity, const Scene & scene) const;

v2f ExampleShader::vert(const vdata in, const Entity * entity, const Scene & scene) const
    v2f out;

    out.position = MVP_MATRIX * vec4(in.position, 1.0f);
    out.texcoord = in.texcoord;
    out.normal   = MODEL_INV_TRANSPOSE * in.normal;

    return out;

vec4 ExampleShader::frag(const v2f in, const Entity * entity, const Scene & scene) const
    rgb color = rgb(
        in.normal.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
        in.normal.y * 0.5f + 0.5f,
        in.normal.z * 0.5f + 0.5f );
    return vec4(color.normalized(), 1.0f);


7 FPS 10 FPS 12 FPS 21 FPS

Switch Shading & Mouse Manipulation

Code Sample in src/sample/demo.cpp

Teapot Spot
Triangle Normal Shading Vertex Normal Shading


  • Basic Math Liberary
  • Basic Resource IO (.obj, .bmp)
  • Basic Rasterization Implementation
  • Basic Graphics Pipeline that runs on single thread
  • Win32 Application API
  • Simple Shaders (Unlit, VertexNormal, TriangleNormal)
  • Hovering Camera by Mouse Drag
  • Implement Barycentric Triangle Rastrization with Perspective Correction Interpolation
  • Wireframe Display
  • Multisample anti-aliasing (2X/4X/8X)
  • Normal Mapping
  • Read .mtl for Material
  • Basic Lighting + Phong, Blinn Shaders
  • Mipmapping
  • Sky Box + Environment Map
  • PBR
  • PostProcessing Pass
  • Shadow
  • SSAO
  • SS Reflection
  • Alpha Test + Alpha Blending
  • Multi-threading using openmp

Bug Report

  • MacOS screenshot produce error BMP file

Current Features

  • basic linear algebra

    • vector
    • quaternion
    • matrix
  • IO

    • BMP Format
    • OBJ Format
  • Graphics

    • basic rasterization algorithm
    • colormap
    • digit display
    • programable shader
    • MSAA
  • Others

    • dynamic array
    • quick sort

Current Platform

MacOS (Cocoa App)

Windows (Win32 App)

Compile & Run


  • compile
make macos
  • run


  • compile
mingw32-make win32
  • run