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MFA Provider Configuration

Knut Ahlers edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 4 revisions

Each provider supporting MFA does have some kind of configuration for the MFA providers. As there are multiple MFA providers the configuration sadly isn't that simple and needs to have the following format:

provider: <provider name>
  <mapping of attributes>


This provider needs a configuration to function correctly:

    # Get your ikey / skey / host from
    ikey: "<IKEY>"
    skey: "<SKEY>"
    host: "<API HOST>"
    user_agent: "nginx-sso"

The corresponding expected MFA configuration is as following:

provider: duo

Google Authenticator / TOTP (totp)

This provider supports several different TOTP configurations while the default configuration is held compatible to what Google Authenticator is using. You can configure all parameters documented below though in most cases you won't need to touch any parameter other than secret. The secret must be base32 encoded while the trailing equal signs may be stripped.

Here is an example of the URI to provide in a QRCode:

provider: totp
  secret: MZXW6YTBOIFA  # required
  period: 30            # optional, defaults to 30 (Google Authenticator)
  skew: 1               # optional, defaults to 1 (Google Authenticator)
  digits: 8             # optional, defaults to 6 (Google Authenticator)
  algorithm: sha1       # optional (sha1, sha256, sha512), defaults to sha1 (Google Authenticator)

otpauth://totp/Example:myusername?secret=MZXW6YTBOIFA (Docs)

Yubikey (yubikey)

This provider needs a configuration to function correctly:

    # Get your client / secret from
    client_id: "12345"
    secret_key: "foobar"

The corresponding expected MFA configuration is as following:

provider: yubikey
  device: ccccccfcvuul