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Vita Icon Downloader


Small script written in Python to dump ps vita icons to the PC from Vita's appmeta folder using FTP.

This script is intended to donwload ps vita installed app icons in order to upload to a discord rich presence app. It finds each icon0 from each appmeta game/app folder, downloads through FTP, saves it to a folder you choose under the gameID name in PNG format, and resizes it to discord app Standards.

To be used with: Electry VitaPresence and MightyV vita-presence-server


The GUI was written using Materialize framework and Python Eel and currently I'm only capable of building the macOS version of the app, in one day or so I'll be building the Windows version.

Notice: in order for it to work, you need Google Chrome installed.

Notice 2: Windows build in the making


If in any case, you want to compile yourself, you'll need:

Lib Ver Info
Python 3.8.X
pip 20.1.1 Package Installer
pipenv 2020.8.13 To create your virtual env
Pillow 7.2.0 To resize images
Eel 0.14.0 Python Lib to make offline GUI
tk 0.1.0 Python GUI Lib used to access folders

And run the commands bellow:

git clone
cd vita-dump-icons
git submodule update --init
python -m eel _view --onefile --noconsole --icon <ico file for windows and icns file for macOS> -n <app_name>

Known Bugs

  • If you cancel the directory selection prompt, the app hangs;
If you find bugs, don't hesitate to contact me.


  • Windows Build
  • Figure out the freezing bug with directory selection
  • Fix Toasts' sizes
  • Figure out how to implement a progress bar


Small script written in Python to dump ps vita icons to the PC from Vita's appmeta folder using FTP.






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