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Lybron Sobers edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 5 revisions

User Projects

Here you'll find a list of projects made by Health Auto Export users demonstrating how you can accomplish just about anything when you're empowered through your data. Build your own dashboards, integrate with home automations, you name it!

Get in touch if you'd like to make a submission.

Build a dashboard for your health metrics and activity.

Technologies: Python, Amazon S3

Drive home automations backed by your Apple Health data by integrating with Home Assistant.

Technologies: Home Assistant, Node RED, InfluxDB

Create a backend for storing health metrics and workouts

Technologies: Go, InfluxDB, Docker

Simple HTTP server written in Go that ingests data from Health Auto Export into multiple configurable storage backends.

Technologies: Go, InfluxDB, Docker

Based on the code from ivailop7/Healthkit-influxdb-grafana.

Technologies: Go, InfluxDB, Docker

This project collects workout data posted by the Health Auto Export app, then serves up a subscribable calendar with the workouts. This allows the user to see their workouts on calendar clients like the iOS Calendar app or Google Calendar, which is a great way to visualize big picture progress on workouts.

Technologies: TypeScript

We often overlook the importance of our health data, relegating it to the background. However, by integrating this information directly into Tana, we can have a real-time, detailed look into our well-being. This enables us to make informed decisions and better align our actions with our health goals.

Investigate the relationship between study performance and health variables using a centralized dashboard.

Technologies: Python, Pythonanywhere, Dropbox API, Tableau

A data dashboard for everyday apps.

Technologies: NodeJS, MongoDB, Google App Engine, Vue.js, Bulma CSS, Netlify, Spotify Web API, WakaTime API