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dotnet new CLI templates for blockchain integration services - sign service, transaction executor and block reader.

Templates included

  • lkebil2sign
  • lkebil2tx
  • lkebil2blocks

How to use

  1. Clone repository to a local folder;

  2. Install templates. For each internal directory run:

    $ dotnet new -i ${path}

    where ${path} is the path to the template directory (where folder .template.config placed). On Windows it must be the full path without trailing slash.


    To install blocks reader template run

    dotnet new -i ./Lykke.Bil2.Templates/Lykke.Bil2.BlocksReader
  3. Generate solutions:

    Generally, run

    dotnet new ${templateName} -n ${integrationName} -o ${outputPath}

    to generate solution in specified directory.

    Or create directory with required name, cd into created directory and run

    dotnet new ${templateName} -n ${integrationName}

    to generate solution from the inside.


Sign service

dotnet new lkebil2sign -n Bitcoin -o Lykke.Bil2.Bitcoin.SignService

For sign service implementation details see Lykke.Bil2.Bcn.SignService/

Transactions executor

Transactions executor template contains additional parameters:

  • -tm (or --transactionModel) for choosing between transfer amount and transfer coins transaction model, one of amount|coins, if not specified - amount is used;
  • -fa (or --fromatAddress) for adding code for address formatting, used if the blockchain supports multiple address formats, false by default;
dotnet new lkebil2tx -n Bitcoin -o Lykke.Bil2.Bitcoin.TransactionsExecutor [-tm amount|coins] [-fa]

For transactions executor implementation details see Lykke.Bil2.Bcn.TransactionsExecutor/

Blocks reader

Blocks reader template contains additional parameter -is (or --irreversibilityStrategy) for irreversible block obtaining strategy, one of none|pull|push, if not specified - none is used:

dotnet new lkebil2blocks -n Bitcoin -o Lykke.Bil2.Bitcoin.BlocksReader [-is none|pull|push]

Use none or skip -is parameter if blockchain does not support irreversible blocks.

Use push model if used blockchain tools allow to determine changes of last irreversible block number (f.e. via web-sockets). IrreversibleBlockHandler class and corresponding registrations are generated in this case. Use IIrreversibleBlockListener provided by DI to emit LastIrreversibleBlockUpdatedEvent.

Use pull model if dedicated request is required to retrieve irreversible block data. IrreversibleBlockProvider class and corresponding registrations are generated in this case.

For transactions executor implementation details see Lykke.Bil2.Bcn.BlocksReader/