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File metadata and controls

212 lines (148 loc) · 6.82 KB

Protocol description

Lykke HFT API allows users to use two kinds of protocols: gRPC API and Rest API. Both APIs support the same methods and data format, however, only gRPC API is able to receive streaming data from the platform.


The gRPC API utilises a new generation of RPC framework that includes working with HTTP 2, ProtoBuf, and WebSocket for faster and more efficient interaction with the platform. The gRPC framework uses the declarative description of the contract in the .proto files, on the basis of which it is simple to generate Client Library using numerous programming languages. Furthermore, the gRPC framework supports working with stream making it easy to receive events directly from the server.

Lykke team strongly recommends using gRPC API protocol to communicate with the platform

Read more about gRPC framework:

A useful tool for manual gRPC API requests:

  • BloomRPC - UI tool to interact with gRPC servers (when using BloomRPC make sure to use TLS with server certificate (TLS button))
  • grpcurl - a command-line tool that lets you communicate with gRPC servers

API Endpoint:

  • - host format

Proto files

Rest API

Rest API uses a classic HTTP based framework that entails working with HTTP 1.1 and JSON. Rest API allows users to call RPC methods without streaming data from the server.

Disclaimer: The rest API has been added for backward compatibility. Lykke team recommends against using the Rest API protocol in favour of the gRPC protocol.

API Endpoint:

A useful tool for manual rest API requests: HFT API Swagger

API usage

Allowed HTTP Verbs

  • PUT : Updates a resource.
  • POST : Creates a resource.
  • GET : Gets a resource or a list of resources.
  • DELETE : Deletes a resource.

Description Of Usual HTTP Server Responses

  • 200 OK : The request was successful.
  • 401 Unauthorized : Authentication failed.
  • 404 Not Found : Endpoint was not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error : Server error.

Response structure

Every response contains two fields - payload and error. A successful response will contain the response data in the payload field and the null in the error field and vice versa for the error response.

Here you have a list of errors you might encounter in the paragraph Error codes at the end of the document.

Successful response. Property error is null.

    "payload": {
    "error": null
package hft;

message Response {
    PayloadType payload = 1;
    hft.common.Error error = 2;  // error is NULL

Error response. Property error is not null.

    "error": {
        "code": "itemNotFound",
        "message": "Asset not found",
        "fields": {
            "assetId": "Asset not found"
    "payload": null
package hft.common;

message Error {
    ErrorCode code = 1;                  // 1100
    string message = 2;              // "Asset not found"
    map<string, string> fields = 3;  // "assetId" : "Asset not found"

enum ErrorCode {
    success = 0;
    runtimeError = 1001;
    itemNotFound = 1100;
/* Full list in the paragraph **Error codes** at the end of the document */


package hft;

message Response {
    PayloadType payload = 1;
    hft.common.Error error = 2;      // error is NOT NULL


You can create your API keys in here. You can also check our step by step guide here. To use the API keys, you should just add a header Authorization: Bearer <your API Key> with the bearer token on your request.

Request Header

  "Authorization": "Bearer **********************************"
  "Authorization": "Bearer **********************************"

Decimal type

Here you can see how to manage decimal types (Price, Volume, Amount, etc) in API contract.

In the gRPC API contract, the decimal type is presented as a string type, with a textual representation of the number. This is done in order to avoid issues with the non-strict precision double type.

In the Rest API contact, the decimal type is presented as a number with strict precision.

Example with decimal type

    "price": 222231.33420001911,
    "volume": 0.0000001
message Body {
    string price = 1;   // "222231.33420001911"
    string volume = 2;  // "0.0000001"

Timestamp type

Here you can see: How to manage the TimeStamp type in the API contract.

The timestamp is always used in the time zone UTC+0

In the Rest API contact, the TimeStamp type is presented as a number with "Milliseconds in Unix Epoch" format of date-time.

In the gRPC API contract, the TimeStamp type is presented as a google.protobuf.TimeStamp type.

Example with timestamp

   "Timestamp": 1592903724406
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

google.protobuf.Timestamp time_name = 1;  // 1592903724406

Order statuses

List of possible order states

Name Meaning
Placed Order in the Order Book.
PartiallyMatched Order in the Order Book and partially filled.
Matched Order is filled.
Pending Order is pending a trigger to be placed in the Order Book.
Cancelled Order is cancelled by the User.
Replaced Order is replaced (canceled) by the user.
Rejected Order rejected by the System.

Request rate limits

API has a request rate limits. If client hit limit then API return error: 429 Too Many Requests

Rate Limit settings:

API type methods Request rate limits
gRPC API hft.PrivateService.* 1000 request per minute per method
gRPC API hft.PublicService.* 300 request per minute per method
Rest API /api/orders/* 300 request per minute per method
Rest API /api/* 120 request per minute per method