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Open Lyrics Database website generator

Suite capable of building static HTML website out of Open Lyrics Database.

How to run in development mode (requires Docker or Podman):

make all

How to run in production mode:

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools sassc
make BUILD
make SERVE



  • all pages should render and be accessible without JavaScript (Unobtrusive JS)
  • should be possible to switch between light and dark color schemes using a global color mode toggle switch that retains state between pages
  • 404 page should redirect to search with a query constructed out of the requested URL's path
  • there should be extra margin at the bottom of each page to let the user center the content without having to move their eyes down when fully scrolled
  • the website should contain no remote assets (such as web fonts or script files)
  • web browser reader mode should correctly work on all pages
  • pages with breadcrumbs should use breadcrumb schema
  • every page passes W3M HTML5 test
  • every page passes W3M CSS3 test
  • website should never have full-page horizontal scroll


  • light and dark color modes should be available and support prefers-color-scheme CSS media query
  • AAA contrasts
  • should be possible to navigate through the website using only keyboard
  • should be possible to fully use the website via text-based browsers (e.g. w3m, lynx)


  • it should be possible to navigate the website and read lyrics using tablet or smartphone
  • while on mobile, all clickable items should be at least 40px wide/tall

Lyrics page

  • lyrics sheet should preserve newline characters, but wrap onto the next line if wider than the viewport (to avoid having a horizontal scroll bar)
  • lyrics sheet should have visible but very light full-width horizontal separators between lines (to make lyrics readable when wrapped)
  • when copied, lyrics text should retain the same amount newlines when pasted into a plaintext environment as seen in the browser


  • search should return list of recordings found using GitHub search API


  • must have a valid sitemap.xml file that contains all website URLs


Favicon design by @defanor