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The Linkedin strategy is used to authenticate users against a Linkedin account. It extends the OAuth2Strategy.

Supported runtimes

Runtime Has Support


Create an OAuth application

First you need to create a new application in the Linkedin's developers page. Then I encourage you to read this documentation page, it explains how to configure your app and gives you useful information on the auth flow. The app is mandatory in order to obtain a clientID and client secret to use with the Linkedin's API.

Create the strategy instance

// linkedin.server.ts
import { createCookieSessionStorage } from 'remix';
import { Authenticator } from 'remix-auth';
import { LinkedinStrategy } from "remix-auth-linkedin";

// Personalize this options for your usage.
const cookieOptions = {
	path: '/',
	httpOnly: true,
	sameSite: 'lax' as const,
	maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 30,
	secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development',

const sessionStorage = createCookieSessionStorage({
	cookie: cookieOptions,

export const authenticator = new Authenticator<string>(sessionStorage, {
	throwOnError: true,

const linkedinStrategy = new LinkedinStrategy(
      clientID: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
      clientSecret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
      // LinkedIn is expecting a full URL here, not a relative path
      // see:
      callbackURL: "";
   async ({accessToken, refreshToken, extraParams, profile, context}) => {
         type LinkedinProfile = {
            id: string;
            displayName: string;
            name: {
               givenName: string;
               familyName: string;
            emails: Array<{ value: string }>;
            photos: Array<{ value: string }>;
            _json: LiteProfileData & EmailData;
         } & OAuth2Profile;

      // Get the user data from your DB or API using the tokens and profile
      return User.findOrCreate({ email: profile.emails[0].value });

authenticator.use(linkedinStrategy, 'linkedin');

Setup your routes

// app/routes/login.tsx
export default function Login() {
   return (
      <Form action="/auth/linkedin" method="post">
         <button>Login with Linkedin</button>
// app/routes/auth/linkedin.tsx
import { ActionFunction, LoaderFunction } from 'remix'
import { authenticator } from '~/linkedin.server'

export let loader: LoaderFunction = () => redirect('/login')
export let action: ActionFunction = ({ request }) => {
   return authenticator.authenticate('linkedin', request)
// app/routes/auth/linkedin/callback.tsx
import { ActionFunction, LoaderFunction } from 'remix'
import { authenticator } from '~/linkedin.server'

export let loader: LoaderFunction = ({ request }) => {
   return authenticator.authenticate('linkedin', request, {
      successRedirect: '/dashboard',
      failureRedirect: '/login',