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----------About This Project----------

This is a project that is made for TOP's(The Odin Project) curriculum. All the code you see here is written by me!

----------The Goal----------

So the overall goal is to create a library-type web application where a user can add a book, delete an existing one, mark the books read or not read.

----------My Thought Process----------

What's going through my mind 🧠 is having some kind of real books 📚📚 that the user can interact with. Maybe I might choose to use svgs or maybe gradients and give them a 3d look. I want the user experience to be like, "Wow! 😍 This is not something you see everyday ✨". I'm gonna use overflow-y: scrollbar so that I can have a lot of books and don't have to worry about them being overflowed or not being responsive 😩. I'm going to have the new book button somewhere at the bottom of the screen or at the top... Not quite sure about that...🤔. Anyway I'm going to have a delete ❌ button in the bottom side of the book and when the user clicks a book 📕 it opens up in the screen and he can see the details and toggle read or not read. The hardest part is going to be the Javascript Objects 😫. But HEY! I'll get through it... 💪... hopefully. 😜

----------Struggles I Had----------

  • I had trouble with setting the book svgs up so that they would look realistic. So I kind of got rid of that idea and decided to cards instead.
  • I'm having some trouble with how I want to create the edit section and delete functionality. I think it would take 1 day or 2 days to look it up and make it.
  • I finally figured out how to delete a card now I don't think I can spend more time on this so I'm going to give up on the idea of adding an edit section and just be happy with what I got.!


The gradient:- background: linear-gradient(45deg, #c0c0c0 25%, transparent 25%) -50px 0,linear-gradient(45deg, #c0c0c0 25%, transparent 25%) -50px 0,linear-gradient(225deg, #c0c0c0 25%, transparent 25%),linear-gradient(225deg, #c0c0c0 25%, transparent 25%);background-size: 100px 100px;background-color: #e0e0e0;

Book svg:- Created by me... 😊. In the assets folder.

Avatars:- Downloaded from (Research illustrations by Storyset)

Color pallate:- Sourced from

                                            Text: #150a09
                                            Background: #fbf1f1
                                            Primary: #d5463e
                                            Secondary: #f0938d
                                            Accent: #f45147

Font:- Poppins

Finished in: 24th Of January 2024