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Community Hub 0.1.3

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@JFWenisch JFWenisch released this 11 Feb 12:22
· 1 commit to 8bcb16b4558f034fbde2215f86bc93f44c0395b9 since this release

In this patch we introduce the "verified" status, a cleaned up UI, further performance improvements and changes due to latest feedback


Stories & Tasks:

  • [DEV-836] - As a User I want the Bug-Fix: Profile picture of User I check out appears on my own Profile Box.
  • [DEV-866] - As a User I want to switch faster between different Hub sections
  • [DEV-877] - As a User I want to the Feature: Showing which referral invite definitly granted me CP
  • [DEV-880] - As a User I want the intro-slide click through be more obvious.
  • [DEV-881] - As a User I want the Bug-Fix: Firefox Mac OS profile pic top left broken (CSS issue maybe)
  • [DEV-937] - Useraccount ( Profile ) got to inherit information about if it is verified
  • [DEV-938] - User should be able to re-send welcome / verification mail
  • [DEV-684] - The border is visible Text is vertically not centered Too much text in general
  • [DEV-726] - too much whitespace in between the line description and the value. makes it hard to read.
  • [DEV-735] - If it just says "Save Changes" or "Save Avatar" it sounds better Also the whole avatar screen could be bigger so that all possible avatars can be seen without scrolling. Avatar icons shoud be bigger too
  • [DEV-745] - dont show description text of archievements in other profiles action history texte below is too far to the right
  • [DEV-936] - Remove Max Counter (Twitter retweets) from Bounty display


  • [DEV-884] - Sometimes , when you like tweets from within the c...
  • [DEV-885] - It appears that the member age achievement is not ...
  • [DEV-904] - I am not in the Ranking where I supposed to be.
  • [DEV-910] - Twitter Bounty page looks creepy. Some display bug...
  • [DEV-914] - Hello, I've connected to Twitter but I do not char...
  • [DEV-916] - Hello! I did not receive the activation email, wha...


  • [DEV-672] - - moving background image is too small. should never show plain background. - button text is not centered - i would include the madana logo in a separate png, which is not moving with the background. prevents too small padding to the text
  • [DEV-673] - Text is good, I would maybe mention that the reward consists out of PAX
  • [DEV-674] - - moving background should be bigger (never show solid background color) - button text is not centred vertically - madana logo gets very close to the text when moving the background. i'd put it on top as a not moving png
  • [DEV-681] - solid backgorund showing text of button not centered madana logo should not move (gets very close to text)
  • [DEV-682] - The names are not alligned. for the first it is under the pictures for the other ones it is beneath
  • [DEV-685] - Too much text. better include an info buttin which chose the description when clicked on.
  • [DEV-686] - Could also say Reddit and Telegram
  • [DEV-688] - Two buttons with the same description: Communty Hub and Whitelisting. It could confuse the user
  • [DEV-689] - Report a bug is double. Maybe only on the left side is enough
  • [DEV-693] - If you hover on the button the icons are not so good to see. maybe use the complementary colour for it
  • [DEV-697] - Boxes should be alligned regarding the size
  • [DEV-698] - Highlight current page
  • [DEV-699] - Hover effect is weird. Button should change. This applyis for all buttons
  • [DEV-702] - Text is not alligened with icon Is the white box background needed?
  • [DEV-704] - The namesnare not under "username"
  • [DEV-708] - Double scroll bar necessary? The rank, usernme, points is not needed. self-explanatory
  • [DEV-710] - Maybe put 1. 2. 3. in the top 3 boxes. In the list below it is enough if it starts with the 4th becaue the top 3 are already mentioned above
  • [DEV-713] - why using "pts" and "CP" instead of one "einheit"/point-"currency"?
  • [DEV-714] - Text is too near to the icons Shorter description, something like: "Show your action history / achievements publicly" Button Hover effect is not working correctly Linked accounts on the top and the plus sign below
  • [DEV-716] - Takes quite long to load
  • [DEV-718] - Maybe put the log out button down on the left where give feedback is. Ont he top it is a little bit hidden
  • [DEV-720] - red text hardly readable clickable things should be buttons login button is too wide in comparison to text fields above
  • [DEV-721] - After the password reset you get directed to the login page without any confirmation that the password was successfully resetted
  • [DEV-724] - no way to cancel change avatar dialog (no closing button, click outside of the overlay doesnt close it)
  • [DEV-727] - madana id is not completly displayed
  • [DEV-733] - changed avatar is not showing in the ranking
  • [DEV-755] - currently? unavailable missing? how many point do i get for referring? logos have a too small resolution
  • [DEV-766] - Sometimes no pictures shown


Detailed information about the involved issues can be found in our Blog