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Abaqus Marmot Interface

This interface files enable the usage of Marmot in the FEA software package Abaqus.

How to use Abaqus together with Marmot

  1. Copy one of the environment files (abaqus_v6.env_gcc_compiler_linux is recommended) to your working directory and rename it to abaqus_v6.env.
  2. Set environment variable MARMOT_DIR to your Marmot directory containing the precompiled Marmot library. The default value of MARMOT_DIR will be set to /usr/local.
  3. Call your Abaqus job file via the command line abaqus j=myJob.inp user=user.cpp interactive.

Necessary changes for the usage with Abaqus version<2019

To make the interface compatible with older versions of Abaqus, change all FOR_NAME preprocessor macros to the old specification ( e.g. FOR_NAME( umat, UMAT ) to FOR_NAME( umat ) ).

How to define material properties for using a material model of Marmot

A Marmot material is defined as follows in your .inp-file. For the sake of simplicity, a simple LinearElastic material model from Marmot is used.

**                                       _   
**  _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ _ __ ___   ___ | |_ 
** | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '__| '_ ` _ \ / _ \| __|
** | | | | | | (_| | |  | | | | | | (_) | |_ 
** |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|  |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__|
** Define your desired user material; The following lines may be simply copied 
** and modified for your purposes.
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** name ... name of your user-material (not case sensitive, since the Abaqus 
**          input reader is not); if you have multiple set of properties just
**          add -1, -2 as a suffix, e.g., LinearElastic-1, LinearElastic-2
*Material, name=LinearElastic-1
** Define the number of state variables; The number of required state variables 
** can be found in the header file of your material model defined within the 
** method getNumberOfRequiredStateVars(). If a too small number is chosen, an 
** exception is thrown anyhow.
** The following lines are optional and enable the description of the individual
** state variables.
1, eps11, "normal strain in horizontal direction"
** In the following lines, the material properties of the user material are 
** defined. If the system matrix will be unsymmetric (e.g. for non-associated
** plasticity models), the unsymm keyword must be added. To determine the number 
** of material properties the parameter constants must be specified. The required 
** number of material properties can be found for each Marmot material in the 
** constructor. An assert is called in Marmot, when the number of constants is
** chosen too small.
*User Material, unsymm, Constants=2
** In the following lines, the material properties are specified. Please make 
** sure that not more than 8 (!) numbers are specified per line (this is a 
** convention from Abaqus). If you need more than 8 parameters, start with a
** new line.
** E    nu
30000, 0.2

How to define element properties for using a finite element defined in Marmot



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