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598 lines (434 loc) · 24.3 KB


Table of Contents:

  1. Setting up
  2. Interactive use of Puhti
  3. QC and trimming for Illumina reads
  4. QC and trimming for Nanopore reads
  5. Genome assembly
  6. Assembly QC
  7. Assembly graphs
  8. Polishing the nanopore assembly
  9. Genome completeness and contamination
  10. Mapping reads and calculating genome coverage
  11. Genome annotation with Bakta
  12. Taxonomic annotation against GTDB
  13. Pangenomics with anvi'o

Setting up the course folders

The main course directory is located in /scratch/project_2005590.
There you will set up your own directory where you will perform all the tasks for this course.

First list all projects you're affiliated with in CSC.


You should see the course project MBDP_genomics_2024. So let's create a folder for you inside the scratch folder, you can find the path in the output from the previous command.

cd /scratch/project_2005590
mkdir $USER

Check with ls; which folder did mkdir $USER create?

Navigate to your own folder and copy the course Github repository there.

git clone

This directory (/scratch/project_2005590/your-user-name/MBDP_Genomics_2024) is your working directory.
Every time you log into Puhti, you should use cd to navigate to this directory, and all the scripts are to be run in this folder.

The raw data used on this course can be found in /scratch/project_2005590/RAWDATA/{STRAIN}. Where {STRAIN} is either KLB3.1 or WOD100.
Instead of copying the data we will use links to this folder in all of the needed tasks.
Why don't we want 24 students copying data to their own folders?

Softlinks are made with ln -s. When you have chosen the strain you want to work with, make a softlink to all of the reads files under the folder 01_RAW_READS.
Remember to change the strain name in the command below.

ln -s /scratch/project_2005590/RAWDATA/{STRAIN}/* 01_RAW_READS/

Interactive use of Puhti

Puhti uses a scheduling system called SLURM. Most jobs are sent to the queue, but smaller jobs can be run interactively.

Interactive session is launched with sinteractive .
You can specify the resources you need for you interactive work interactively with sinteractive -i. Or you can give them as options to sinteractive.
You always need to specify the accounting project (-A, --account). Otherwise for small jobs you can use the default resources (see below).

Option Function Default  Max
-i, --interactive  Set resources interactively
-t, --time Reservation in minutes or in format d-hh:mm:ss 24:00:00 7-00:00:00
-m, --mem Memory in Mb 2000 76000
-j, --jobname Job name interactive
-c, --cores Number of cores 1 8
-A, --account Accounting project
-d, --tmp $TMPDIR size (in GiB) 32 760
-g, --gpu Number of GPUs 0 0

Read more about interactive use of Puhti.

QC and trimming for Illumina reads

QC for the raw data takes few minutes, depending on the allocation.
Go to your working directory and make a folder called 01_RAW_READS/FASTQC for the QC reports of Illumina data.

QC does not require lot of memory and can be run on the interactive nodes using sinteractive.

Activate the biokit environment and open interactive node:

sinteractive -A project_2005590
module load biokit

Running FastQC

Run FastQC for the raw Illumina reads in the 01_RAW_READS folder. What does the -o and -t flags refer to?

fastqc path-to-R1-reads --outdir 01_RAW_READS/FASTQC
fastqc path-to-R2-reads --outdir 01_RAW_READS/FASTQC
module load multiqc
multiqc --interactive --outdir 01_RAW_READS/FASTQC/ 01_RAW_READS/FASTQC/*

Copy the resulting HTML file (multiqc_report.html) to your local machine. You can also copy the individual FastQC output HTML files.
Have a look at the QC report(s) with your favorite browser.

After inspecting the output, what kind of trimming do you think should be done?

Running Cutadapt

The adapter sequences that you want to trim are specified with options -a and -A.
What is the difference with -a and -A?
And what is specified with option -p or -o? And how about -m and -j?
You can find the answers from Cutadapt manual.

module load cutadapt

Remember to change the strains name and modify the paths to the raw read files.

cutadapt \
    -o 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_1.fastq.gz \
    -p 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_2.fastq.gz \
    path-to-R1-file \
    path-to-R2-file \
    --minimum-length 80 \
    > 00_LOGS/cutadapt.log

Running fastQC on the trimmed reads

You could now check the cutadapt.log and answer:

  • How many read pairs we had originally?
  • How many reads contained adapters?
  • How many read pairs were removed because they were too short?
  • How many base calls were quality-trimmed?
  • Overall, what is the percentage of base pairs that were kept?

Then make a new folder (FASTQC) in the 02_TRIMMED_READS folder for the QC files of the trimmed data and run fastQC and multiQC again as you did before trimming.
Copy the resulting HTML file to your local machine and see how well the trimming went.

QC and trimming for Nanopore reads

The QC for the Nanopore reads can be done with NanoPlot and NanoQC. They are plotting tools for long read sequencing data and alignments. You can read more about them in: NanoPlot and NanoQC

This run will require more computing resources, so you can apply for more memory or run as a batch job:

First log out from the computing node (if you're still on one).


Then open a new interactive task with more memory

sinteractive -A project_2005590 -m 45000 -c 4

Generate graphs for visualization of read quality and length distribution.

/projappl/project_2005590/nanotools/bin/NanoPlot \
    --outdir 01_RAW_READS/NanoPlot \
    --threads 4 \
    --format png \
    --fastq path-to/your_raw_nanopore_reads.fastq.gz

Transfer the resulting HTML-report (NanoPlot-report.html) to your computer and have a look at the quality of our nanopore reads.

Then run also NanoQC to the reads.

/projappl/project_2005590/nanotools/bin/nanoQC \
    --outdir 01_RAW_READS/nanoQC \

Using the Puhti interactive mode, check the file nanoQC.html inside the ouput folder of the nanoQC job.

  • How is the quality at the beginning and at the end of the reads? How many bases would you cut from these regions?

Trimming and quality filtering of reads

We'll use a program called chopper for quality filtering and trimming.

The following command will trim the first XX bases and the last YY bases of each read, exclude reads with a phred score below ZZ and exclude reads with less than XYZ bp.

gunzip -c path-to/your_raw_nanopore_reads.fastq.gz |\
    /projappl/project_2005590/nanotools/bin/chopper -q ZZ -l XYZ --headcrop XX --tailcrop YY |\
    gzip > 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_nanopore.fastq.gz

Optional - Visualizing the trimmed data

Use NanoPlot to see how the trimming worked out.

/projappl/project_2005590/nanotools/bin/NanoPlot ... 

Genome assembly

Now that you have good trimmed sequences, we can assemble the reads. For assembling you will need more resources than the default.
Allocate 6 cpus, 40000 Mb of memory (40G) and 2 hours. Remember also the accounting project, project_2005590.

sinteractive --account --time --mem --cores

Nanopore only assembly with FLye

/projappl/project_2005590/flye/bin/flye --nano-hq 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_nanopore.fastq.gz --out-dir 03_ASSEMBLIES/flye --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK

Illumina only assembly with spades

module purge
module load spades/3.15.5 -1 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_1.fastq.gz -2 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_2.fastq.gz -o 03_ASSEMBLIES/spades -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --isolate

Hybrid assembly with Unicycler

For the hybrid assembly (uses both long- and short-reads) we will use Unicycler. It can assemble short-reads, long-reads or both for hybrid assembly.
It is a bit out-dated, but might still be a good option for short-read-first hybrid assembly, when the long-read sequencing depth is not optimal. The best option would be to use long-read-first approach. For that there is Trycycler.

Unicycler has three different modes; conservative, normal and bold. Conservative will produce the least misassemblies, but is the least likely to produce a cpmplete assembly. Bold is the most likely to produce a complete assembly with the risk of misassemblies. Normal is the default, but you can change it if you feel bold or conservative today. Or keep it normal, even if you don't feel totally normal.

 /projappl/project_2005590/unicycler/bin/unicycler \
    -l 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_nanopore.fastq.gz \
    -1 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_1.fastq.gz \
    -2 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_2.fastq.gz \
    --keep 0 \
    --min_fasta_length 1000 \
    --mode normal \
    --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
    --out 03_ASSEMBLIES/unicycler

Unicyler names the contigs with just numbers and this can create problems with some tools. So we need to rename them by adding "contig_" before the number.

module load biokit
seqkit replace -p ^ -r contig_$1 03_ASSEMBLIES/unicycler/assembly.fasta > 03_ASSEMBLIES/unicycler/renamed_assembly.fasta

After you're done, remember to close the interactive connection and free the resources with exit.

And to make things a bit easier for some of the next steps, copy each of the assembly files to the 03_ASSEMBLIES folder.
There's one example, but do it for each of the three assemblies. And remember to nme them so that you know which is which.

cp 03_ASSEMBLIES/unicycler/renamed_assembly.fasta 03_ASSEMBLIES/unicycler_assembly.fasta

Assembly graphs

Each of the assemblers produces also an assembly graph. Download the assembly graphs (.gfa or .fastg) for each assembly to your local computer and open them with Bandage.

Assembly QC

After the assemblies are we will use Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies, Quast for (comparing and) evaluating our assemblies.

sinteractive -A project_2005590
module load quast --output-dir 03_ASSEMBLIES/QUAST 03_ASSEMBLIES/*.fasta

Now you can move the file 03_ASSEMBLIES/QUAST/report.html to your computer and compare the different assemblies.

Polishing the nanopore assembly (OPTIONAL)

Although Flye does some polishing at the end of the assembly, we can try to polish our nanopore assembly with the nanopore reads using medaka.
There are also many other polishing methods, you could also use the short-reads to polish the nanopore assembly. For medaka we need to choose a model based on how the basecalling was done.
We will use the model r1041_e82_400bps_hac_g632.

module purge
module load medaka
medaka_consensus -i path-to/trimmed_nanopore.fastq.gz -d path-to/flye_assembly.fasta -o 03_ASSEMBLIES/{STRAIN}_polished --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -m r1041_e82_400bps_hac_g632

Copy also the polished assembly (consensus.fasta) to the 03_ASSEMBLIES folder.

Genome completeness and contamination

Now we have calculated different metrics for our genomes with QUAST and also done some polishing for the nanopore assembly, but we still don't know the "real" quality of our genome.
One way to get a better sense is to estimate the completeness of the assemblies.

We will use CheckM2 to calculate the completeness and possible contamination in our genome.
Allocate some resources (>40G memory & 4 threads) and run CheckM2.

Allocate resources (1 hour, 4 CPUs and 40G of memory) and run CheckM2 with the following command.

/projappl/project_2005590/tax_tools/bin/checkm2 predict \
    --input 03_ASSEMBLIES \
    --output-directory 03_ASSEMBLIES/CheckM2 \
    --extension .fasta \
    --ttable 11 \
    --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
    --database_path /scratch/project_2005590/DB/CheckM2/CheckM2_database/uniref100.KO.1.dmnd 

Hopefully now we have come to some conclusion about what is the best assembly and from now on we will continue with only one.

Mapping reads to the assembly and calculating the genome coverage (OPTIONAL)

To calculate the genome coverage, all the reads used for the assembly must be mapped to the final genome. As an example we will only map the short reads against the genome.
For that, we use three programs: Bowtie2 to map the reads; Samtools to sort and make an index of the mapped reads; and bedtools to make the calculation. For long reads the process woul dbe the same, except you would need to use some othere mapping software (e.g. minimap2).

First build an index from the assembly.

module load bowtie2
bowtie2-build 03_ASSEMBLIES/unicycler_assembly.fasta 03_ASSEMBLIES/{STRAIN}

Then map the short reads against the index.

    -1 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_1.fastq.gz \
    -2 02_TRIMMED_READS/{STRAIN}_2.fastq.gz \
    --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
    -S 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}.sam

Then we process the resulting alignment file (.sam) and produce a sported and compressed format of that (.bam)

module purge
module load samtools
samtools view -Sb 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}.sam |samtools sort > 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}.bam
samtools index 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}.bam

Then we can calculate the mean coveragre per each contig with bamtocov. We will use one script ( from the program that has can be found from src folder. It also needs the location of the actual bamtocov that it uses for calulating the coverage.

python3 src/ 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}.bam --bin /projappl/project_2005590/bamtocov/bin/bamtocov

Inspect the output from coverage calculation. What is the average coverage over the whole genome? Note that if the genome is in multiple contigs, you will get mean coverage for each of them. And if some of the contigs are plasmids, their coverage might be different from the rest of the genome. But why?

Long-read mapping with minimap2 (OPTIONAL)

An example how to map the long-reads to the assembly using minimap2.

module load minimap2
module load samtools
minimap2 -ax map-ont path-to/your-assembly.fasta path-to/trimmed-nanopore.fastq,gz |\
    samtools view -Sb |\
    samtools sort > 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}_nanopore.bam
samtools index 05_MAPPING/{STRAIN}_nanopore.bam

Genome annotation with Bakta

Now we can annotate our genome assembly using Bakta.

module purge
/projappl/project_2005590/bakta/bin/bakta \
    --db /scratch/project_2005590/DB/bakta/db/ \
    --prefix {STRAIN} \
    --output 04_ANNOTATION \
    --keep-contig-headers \
    --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \

Check the files inside the output folder.

Visualise mapping and annotations with IGV

Download the assembly fasta file, the maping .bam (and .bam.bai) files and the genome annotation output (.gff3) to your own computer.
We can inspect these with IGV. The next steps will be done together.

Annotation and visualization of CRISPR-Cas and Phages (OPTIONAL)

Some genome features are better annotated when considering the genome context of a region involving many genes, instead of looking at only one gene at the time. Two examples of this case are the CRISPR-Cas system and bacteriophages.

Here we have examples that are websites where you can upload your assembly.
The CRISPR-Cas can be annotated using CRISPRone and bacteriophages can be annotated using PHASTER.
There's also a more detailed annotation pipeline for phages that requires an account and will take slightly longer to run, geNomad. You can try that as well if you have time.

Can you find any differences in the annotation of some specific genes when comparing the results of these tools with the Bakta annotation?

Detection of secondary metabolites biosynthesis gene clusters (OPTIONAL)

Biosynthetic genes putatively involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites can identified using antiSMASH

Go to antiSMASH website and submit the assembled genome there. You can load the assembled genome you obtained and turn on all the extra features.

When the analysis is ready, you may be able to answer the following questions:

  1. How many secondary metabolites biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC) were detected?
  2. Which different types of BGC were detected and what is the difference among these types?
  3. Do you think your strain produce all these metabolites? Why?

Extracting KEGG annotations from Bakta output

Bakta also gives the KEGG IDs for different metabolic enzymes in our genome. To reconstruct metabolic pathways based on these annotations, we need to extract them from one the annotation files.
Navigate to the Bakta output folder and run the following command:

grep -o "KEGG:K....." *.gff3 | tr ":" "\t" > kegg_ids.txt 

Investigate the file kegg_ids.txt using less.
These are known as KO identifiers and is how we link genes to metabolic pathways in the KEGG database.
This will allow us to put the gene annotations in the context of metabolic pathways.

Go to KEGG Mapper and upload the kegg_ids.txt file. Finally press Exec.

Taxonomic annotation against GTDB

Next thing is to give a name to our strain. In other words, what species did we assemble.
We will use a tool called GTDB-tk to give some taxonomy to our genome.

GTDB-tk uses the GTDB database, which is big, but it has been downloaded and can be found from the DB folder under the course project.
We justr need to make an environemntal variable pointing to that, so the tool can find it.

We will need more memory than previously, so allocate 50G, 6-12 CPUS and 1 hours.

export GTDBTK_DATA_PATH=/scratch/project_2005590/DB/GTDB/release214/

 /projappl/project_2005590/tax_tools/bin/gtdbtk classify_wf \
    -x fasta \
    --genome_dir 03_ASSEMBLIES \
    --out_dir 04_ANNOTATION/GTDB \
    --skip_ani_screen \
    --cpus $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK \
    --tmpdir $LOCAL_SCRATCH

The output will contain a file with the most likely taxonomic annotation for your genome. We will go thru the output together.

Pangenomics with anvi'o

Reference genomes

Before we can do any pangenomics, we need some reference genomes. Go to NCBI Datasets and select Genome.
Then search with the taxonomy you got for your strain, either on species or genus level. When you get the list of available reference genomes, filter them to include only the ones that have been annotated by NCBI RefSeq and have assembly level at least chromosome, complete would be better. Then from Select colums tick RefSeq to show the accessions.
Then select few genomes (WOD100: 4-6; KLB3.1: 6-8) for the pangenomic analysis and write their RefSeq accessions to a file (one accession per line) and finally copy the file to your own folder in Puhti under 06_PANGENOMICS with the name genome-accessions.txt.

 /projappl/project_2005590/ncbi_datasets/bin/datasets download genome accession --inputfile genome-accessions.txt --include gbff
unzip -d reference_genomes


Now we have all of the reference genome Genbank files in the folder reference_genomes.
We need to process the Genbank files for anvi'o, first create a folder called 01_GENOMES inside the 06_PANGENOMICS

mkdir 01_GENOMES

Apply for resources (20-40 Gb, 6 CPUs and ~3 hours) before your start.

module load anvio

for genome in `ls reference_genomes/ncbi_dataset/data/*/genomic.gbff`;do 
      anvi-script-process-genbank \
        -i $genome \
        --output-fasta 01_GENOMES/${name}-contigs.fasta \
        --output-gene-calls 01_GENOMES/${name}-gene-calls.txt \
        --output-functions 01_GENOMES/${name}-functions.txt \
        --annotation-source prodigal \
        --annotation-version 0.0

Then process also your own genome.

STRAIN= # write here your strain name, STRAIN=WOD100 or STRAIN=KLB3.1

anvi-script-process-genbank \
    --output-fasta 01_GENOMES/${STRAIN}-contigs.fasta \
    --output-gene-calls 01_GENOMES/${STRAIN}-gene-calls.txt \
    --output-functions 01_GENOMES/${STRAIN}-functions.txt \
    --annotation-source prodigal \
    --annotation-version 0.0 \
    -i path-to/bakta-annotation.gbff

Then we need to make a text file pointing to each of the different files.

echo -e "name\tpath\texternal_gene_calls\tgene_functional_annotation" > fasta.txt
for strain in `ls 01_GENOMES/*-contigs.fasta`
    echo -e ${strain_name%-contigs.fasta}"\t"$strain"\t"${strain%-contigs.fasta}"-gene-calls.txt\t"${strain%-contigs.fasta}"-functions.txt"
done >> fasta.txt

In addition to the fasta.txt file we need also a configuration file.
The config.json file can be found from 06_PANGENOMICS folder and it contains the following.

    "workflow_name": "pangenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "max_threads": "6",
    "project_name": "MBDP-105_pangenome",
    "external_genomes": "external-genomes.txt",
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "anvi_gen_contigs_database": {
        "--project-name": "{group}",
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-gene-calling": "",
        "--ignore-internal-stop-codons": true,
        "--skip-mindful-splitting": "",
        "--contigs-fasta": "",
        "--split-length": "",
        "--kmer-size": "",
        "--skip-predict-frame": "",
        "--prodigal-translation-table": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_pan_genome": {
        "threads": "6",
        "--use-ncbi-blast": true,

And then we're ready to run the whole pangenomics workflow.

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics -c config.json

When the workflow is ready, we can visualise the results interactively in anvi'o.

Visualize the pangenome

When the pangenome workflow has finished we can visualise the pangenome with anvi'o. We will run the script on Puhti and port the visualisation to our own computer with VS Code. So there's no need for a local anvi'o installation or file transfer. We'll go thru the steps together.
Everyone needs to use a different port for tunneling and your port number will be given on the course.

cd 03_PAN

anvi-display-pan --server-only -P $ANVIOPORT

We can also export the single-copy core genes and draw a phylogenetic tree based on those.

anvi-get-sequences-for-gene-clusters \
    -p MBDP-105_pangenome-PAN.db \
    -g MBDP-105_pangenome-GENOMES.db \
    -C default -b SCG \
    --concatenate-gene-clusters \
    -o single-copy-core-genes.fa                               

anvi-gen-phylogenomic-tree \
    -f single-copy-core-genes.fa  \
    -o SCG.tre