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Course offered by Udemy. Created and taught by Valentyn Sichkar.


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Course offered by Udemy. Created and taught by Valentyn Sichkar.

Course Certficate

Done in Windows Machine

Section 1 : Object Detection Using Simple Thresholding

Section 2 : Object Detection From Image Pretrained YOLO On COCO Dataset

Section 2 : Object Detection From Camera Using Pretrained YOLO On COCO Dataset

Section 2 : Object Detection From Real Time Video Using Pretrained YOLO On COCO Dataset

Section 3 : Labelling Dataset In YOLO v3 Format

Section 4 : Converting Annontations

Section 4 : Creating Custom Datset In YOLO v3 Format

Section 4b : Joining Labelled and Custom Datset In YOLO v3 Format

Section 5 : Converting Annontations for Traffic Signal Dataset

Section 5 : Labelling Traffic Signal Dataset in YOLO v3 Format

Resources not included in the repository due to size

Clone this repository for OIDv4 ToolKit

Link for YOLO Network Weights trained on COCO Dataset (Used in Section 2)

Link for CSV File Containing Train Annotations (Used in Section 4)

Link for Traffic Dataset Download (Used in Section 5)

Link for yolov3.weights (Used in Section 6)

Link for darknet53.conv.74 (Used in Section 6)

Link to yolov3_ts.weights (Used in Section 6)

Link to yolov3_custom.weights (Used in Section 6)

Important commands for dataset preparation and execution and checking the result

To Prepare Images in YOLO Format

  • Install LabelImg using pip install LabelImg

  • Draw bounding boxes around the objects and save it in YOLO Format.

Section 3 : Extracting Frames from Video

  • Install ffmpeg using : conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg

  • Go to the directory of the video and type ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 -vf fps=4 image-%d.jpeg

  • Extracted images will be the in directory of the video

  • Draw bounding boxes around the extracted video using LabelImg

  • Prepare the dataset in YOLO Format using 03DataPreparation Notebook

Section 4 : Installing OIDv4 toolkit for downloading images from a huge dataset

  • Clone the OIDv4 Repository OIDv4

  • Activate your python environment and navigate to the directory where the repository was cloned and type the following command : pip install -r requirements.txt

  • To verify type the following command : python -h

  • After verifying type the following command : python downloader --classes Car Bicycle_wheel Bus --type_csv train --multiclasses 1 --limit 9

  • 9 Images of the classes Car Bicycle_wheel and Bus will be downloaded and two csv file will also be downloaded in the OID Folder.

  • One CSV file will contain annotations and the other will contain and the class description.

  • In order to verify type the following command : python visualizer

  • Rename the Car_Bicycle wheel_Bus folder to Car_Bicycle_wheel_Bus to avoid errors

  • Convert annotations from the csv file using 04ConvertingAnnotations notebook

  • For easier access I would have copied the Dataset and csv_folder Folders to Section 4 and would have deleted the OIDv4 folder

  • Prepare data in YOLO Format using 04DataPreparation notebook

Section 4b : Joining the labelled and custom datasets

  • Copy only the images that we downloaded from the huge dataset Section4 and the images we extracted from the video Section 3 to a new folder LabeledCustom.

  • Run the 04JoiningDatasets in Section 4b to join the dataset and prepare it in YOLO Format.

Section 5 : Traffic Dataset

  • Download the traffic dataset from the link provided

  • Convert annotations from the csv file using 05ConvertingAnnotations notebook

  • Prepare data in YOLO Format using 05DataPreparation notebook

Note : In all notebooks use the proper directory

Note : In Sections 3,4,4b,5 if you want to check if we have prepared the images correctly create a classes.txt file in the same order and open LabelImg and verify

Section 6 : Darknet

  • Install Tensorflow with GPU Support using this tutorial from Jeff Heaton Tensorflow GPU

  • Install darknet using the this tutorial Darknet Installation

  • Create the folder weights and add yolov3.weights

  • In the data folder in the darknet directory add the test-image.jpg and test-video.mp4 files

Command to check installation of darknet
  • For image file

Go to darknet root directory and type : darknet.exe detector test cfg\ cfg\yolov3.cfg weights\yolov3.weights -thresh 0.85 -ext_output data\test-image.jpg

Output will be stored as predictions.jpg

  • For video file

Go to darknet root directory and type : darknet.exe detector demo cfg\ cfg\yolov3.cfg weights\yolov3.weights -thresh 0.85 -dont_show data\test-video.mp4 -out_filename result.avi

Output will be stored as result.avi

  • For real time camera

Go to darknet root directory and type : darknet.exe detector demo cfg/ cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights -thresh 0.85 -c 0

After checking if darknet works

  • Copy the from the Traffic Dataset and from Car_Bicycle_wheel_Bus dataset to the cfg folder in the darknet directory

  • Open the yolov3.cfg file in the cfg folder in the darknet directory and copy its contents to four different files namely yolov3_ts_train.cfg, yolov3_ts_test.cfg, yolov3_custom_train.cfg, yolov3_custom_test.cfg and save it in the cfg folder.

  • Open the two files for training, uncomment lines # batch=64 # subdivisions=16 and change the value of batch to 64 and the value of subdivisions to 64. Delete the lines batch=1 , subdivisions=1 . Save results.

  • Open two files for testing and delete lines # batch=64 , # subdivisions=16 . Save results.

  • Next is changing max_batches (i.e) total number of iterations for training and the general formula used is max_batches = classes * 2000 (but not less than 4000)

  • Steps are calculated as 80% and 90% from max_batches.

  • For example, if number of classes is equal to 2, then:

    • max_batches=4000
    • steps=3200,3600
  • Next, it is needed to update number of classes in every of three yolo layers in the end of the configuration files. Also, it is needed to update number of filters in convolutional layers right before such every yolo layers but not anywhere else. It is needed in order to properly connect convolutional layer that is right before yolo layer in accordance with number of classes in dataset.

  • General equation that represents how to calculate proper number of filters in three convolutonal layers right before every of three yolo layers is as following

  • For example, if number of classes is equal to 2, then:

    • filters = (classes + coordinates + 1) x masks
    • For example, for COCO dataset it will be as following: filters = (80 + 5) x 3 = 255


  • For Traffic Dataset type the following command : darknet.exe detector train cfg\ cfg\yolov3_ts_train.cfg weights\darknet53.conv.74 -dont_show

  • For Car Bicycle_wheel Bus Dataset type the following command : darknet.exe detector train cfg\ cfg\yolov3_custom_train.cfg weights\darknet53.conv.74 -dont_show

Note : In all Data Preparation Notebooks give the proper location of the backup location

  • Weights will be saved every 100 iterations and 1000 iterations. To define the best one to use for detection to make sure no overfitting occurs we use the mAP algorithm

  • The goal is to find weights that have the biggest mAP.

  • For example, if we consider Traffic Signs dataset, and if mAP for 7000 iterations is bigger than for 8000, then it is needed to check weights for 6000 iterations. Next, if mAP for 6000 iterations is already less than for 7000 iterations, then you can stop checking and use weights for 7000 iterations in detection tasks.

  • Also, it is possible to continue checking weights between 6000 and 7000 iterations, trying to find weights even with bigger mAP.

  • To find the mAP for weights of 8000 iteration for the Traffic Dataset go to the darknet directory and type : darknet.exe detector map cfg\ cfg\yolov3_ts_train.cfg backup\yolo-obj_8000.weights.

  • To find the mAP for weights of 6000 iteration for the Traffic Dataset go to the darknet directory and type : darknet.exe detector map cfg\ cfg\yolov3_custom_train.cfg backup\yolo-obj_6000.weights.


  • Copy buses-to-test.jpeg and buses-to-test.mp4 file to the data folder in the darknet directory.

  • Copy traffic-sign-to-test.jpeg and traffic-sign-to-testmp4 to the data folder in the darknet directory.

  • To test the Traffic Dataset Image type the following command : darknet.exe detector test cfg\ cfg\yolov3_ts_test.cfg weights\yolov3_ts.weights -ext_output data\traffic-sign-to-test.jpg

  • Output will be stored as predictions.jpg

  • To test the Car Bicycle wheel Bus Dataset Image type the following command : darknet.exe detector test cfg\ cfg\yolov3_custom_test.cfg weights\yolov3_custom.weights -ext_output data\buses-to-test.jpg

  • Output will be stored as predictions.jpg

  • To test the Traffic Dataset mp4 type the following command : darknet.exe detector test cfg\ cfg\yolov3_ts_test.cfg weights\yolov3_ts.weights -thresh 0.85 -dont_show data\traffic-sign-totest.mp4 -out_filename result.avi

  • Output will be stored as result.avi

  • To test the Car Bicycle wheel Bus Dataset mp4 type the following command : darknet.exe detector test cfg\ cfg\yolov3_custom_test.cfg weights\yolov3_custom.weights -thresh 0.85 -dont_show data\buses-to-test.mp4 -out_filename result.avi

  • Output will be stored as result.avi

To improve model accuracy

  • Set the random parameter to 1 : 3 times in every yolo layer inside cfg file for training.

  • height=608 , width=608 : Increase resolution for input images inside cfg files for training and testing. Choose any number that is divisible by 32 without leaving a remainder.

  • max_batches : Double or triple total number of iterations inside cfg file for training. Don't forget also to update parameter steps giving 80% and 90% accordingly.

  • Increase total number of labelled images in dataset. As well as, add empty images without any needed objects.

To test multiple images visit AlexyAB's Darknet repository for the command


Course offered by Udemy. Created and taught by Valentyn Sichkar.








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