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good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
resolution: duplicate
resolution: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
resolution: ❌ invalid
resolution: ❌ invalid
This doesn't seem right
resolution: ⛔ wontfix
resolution: ⛔ wontfix
This will not be worked on
status: ☑️ accepted
status: ☑️ accepted
This issue or pull request is accepted as valid
status: fixed in future
status: fixed in future
This issue is fixed in a future release
status: 📝 needs more information
status: 📝 needs more information
Further information is requested
status: unverified
status: unverified
This issue needs to be reviewed
type: 🐛 bug
type: 🐛 bug
This issue represents a bug with existing behavior
type: 🎯 feature
type: 🎯 feature
New feature or request
type: pack parity
type: pack parity
Feature to close functionality gap between this plugin and a datapack. Given higher priority