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Transcribing Data

Paul J. Morris edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

Once you have found a set of records to work on, you can edit those records one by one in a user interface that displays portions of the image next to a form of fields to transcribe and classify the data found on labels in the image.
Transcription form

At the top and bottom of each page are a set of buttons that show you the current state of the record you are working on and let you save your changes placing that record into a new state. The buttons you will see reflect your role and the states into which you can place the record. The button that reflects the current state of the record will have a pin icon shown on it. The button that is the normal next step in the workflow if you complete all of the work on the record will be highlighted in dark blue with white text.

Top save/navigate buttons

The buttons above are for a user in the Data Entry role, working on a specimen record in state Taxon Entered. The Taxon Entered button has the pin icon. When all the data are transcribed, it is expected that the user will click the highlighted Text Entered button. Alternately, the user can put the record in state QC Problems, or leave it in the current state Taxon Entered. It is always possible for a user to save the record in its current state.

The buttons at the top of the page include a picklist View/Go Next/Go Back. This picklist determines how you will navigate after pressing one of the save in a state buttons. If View is selected, you will remain on the same record and see the data in a read only form. If Go Next or Go Back are selected, you will move to the next or previous record in your list of search results.

Collector and Higher Geography are linked to controlled vocabularies provided from the database of record (MCZbase). Values other than those in the controlled vocabulary can be entered, but these will need to be added to the controlled vocabulary in the database of record for the specimen record to be successfully ingested into that database.

When transcribing a collector for a specimen record (click the Add Another Collector button), the dialog to add a collector includes a picklist that searches for matches in the controlled vocabulary (MCZbase Agent names). If a match to the collector you see on the label is available in the picklist, even if it has different punctuation or spacing, you should select it. If a matching name isn't available, you can still enter it. If the collector name is ambigouous, enter just the minimum without making inferences (e.g. "Agassiz" could be "Louis Agassiz", or "Alexander Agassiz", or "Elizabeth Cary Agassiz", etc. so just enter "Agassiz").

Add collector dialog

Once you have added the collector, an icon will appear in the row with the collector's name indicating whether or not that collector name has an exact match in the database of record (has an Agent in MCZbase).

Icons for collector found/not found in authority list

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