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Short description

This repository contains code I wrote for better understanding of 3D reconstruction using Deep Learning and SDFs. During my research I found several papers directly related to the problem. Almost all of them cited CVPR '19 paper "DeepSDF: Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation". This paper looks like to be the first that used deep learning for predicting SDFs. Therefore I spent much of my efforts on understanding and writing code that could recreate the idea exposed in the paper. I did it despite the fact that some newer solutions proposed pretrained models that may give expressive representations without any effort. Though this may be used for comparison of predicted shapes' quality.

Repository organization

Right now this repository contains four folders and a couple scripts.

data directory is created for containment of 3D object's datasets and calculated SDFs.

training directory contains logs from training: intermediate weights of models along with losses and optimizers.

source directory contains all useful classes I implemented during my small investigation.

notebooks directory contains experiments along with visualization. At the moment it has three notebooks:

  1. sampling visualization - sampling_visualization.ipynb.
  2. vizualization of very light DeepSDF network with size of latent vectors 16 - deep_sdf_32.ipynb
  3. vizualization of light DeepSDF network with size of latent vectors 32 - deep_sdf_64.ipynb

Run notebooks after loading datasets, because they rely on specific data.

Script downloads classes that are listed in the classes.json. File classes.json in its turn has codes of class from ShapeNetCore.v2 dataset. You can find correspondence between codes and class normal names in 'shapenet_classes_list.txt'. Right now this script only maintains classes from ShapeNetCore.v2. Other datasets like ABC are not available yet.

Script samples points near the surface of all objects it can find in the data/ShapeNetCoreV2 directory.

Script trains the model using preprocessed data from data\SDFs folder. Specifications for the network are listed in specs.json.

Implemented classes

MeshSampler - class that samples points and calculates SDFs. This is my implementation of the С++ code from here: All the defaults were taken from that implementation as well. I implemented it in Python by means of trimesh library. Unfortunately due to the usage of rtrees for saving vertices this approach may lead to consumption of all the memory and unauthorized halting. See issue I opened on this topic.

Decoder - implementation of the DeepSDF neural network.

LearningRateSchedule - implementation of learning rate decay.

SDFSamples - implements dataset of sampled points with SDF. Each data sample represents a set of points for a single object. Reads and returns points on demand.

DeepSDFTrainer - class that implements the training process of the network.

DeepSDFReconstructor - class that implements reconstruction of the latent vector for given set of sampled points.


This project was developed under Ubuntu 20.04 system. As an environment manager I used Anaconda3. All the required packages you can find in requirements.txt.

Check you have installed lftp. I used it for transfering dataset.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install lftp

Now load ShapeNetCore.v2 class listed in classes.json:

$ python  

Sample points along with SDFs:

$ python

This may be a rather time consuming routine.

And last one. Start training:

$ python


Right now I have tested light neural networks. More sophisticated models and tests are yet to be created.

Interesting papers I found:


Deep Local Shapes

Points2Surf: Learning Implicit Surfaces from Point Clouds (ECCV 2020 Spotlight)



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