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Using Source Code

NorthWestTrees edited this page Feb 11, 2024 · 1 revision


This is a quick guide on how to use the source code on this repository.

Before You Start

Make sure you have the GitHub Desktop App installed as you will need this for setting up the workspace as there is many files and doing it through the site is not suited for high file size.

GitHub Desktop App:

Setup the GitHub Desktop App

  1. Step 1: Go to file then options
  2. Step 2: Under accounts sign in with your GitHub account ID and email address.
  3. Once signed in click save and then close the app.

Cloning The Files


Make sure the branch is selected that you want to close then select the following.

  1. Select Code
  2. Make sure you are on the Local tab.
  3. Make sure you are on HTTPS for the type.
  4. Then select "Open with GitHub Desktop"



A popup should appear to open the GitHub Desktop App

GitHub Desktop EXE


When you click Open GitHubDesktop.exe the app you installed earlier will give you a screen like below.

  1. Don't change the Repository URL
  2. You can change the local path to an empty folder on your desktop or somewhere accessible for setting up with MCreator.
  3. Click clone.



You should have the files downloaded. This should only take a few moments depending on your network speed.

Switching Between Branches


You can switch between branches by using the middle dropdown box in the desktop app. and clicking the right button to fetch origin.

  1. Make sure you are under the right repository.
  2. Select the branch you want to set up.
  3. Click fetch from origin.

This will pull the file from that branch to your folder.

MCreator Setup


Once you are ready to set up the workspace in MCreator close out of the GitHub Desktop App and then navigate to your installation folder for the repository.

Your folder should look something like below which is a standard MCreator workspace with some GitHub files mixed in, don't worry this is normal to have GitHub files in source code just ignore them.

Now you need to set up a workspace in MCreator so make sure you have the proper version installed, under the release tab on GitHub you can find the version information for MCreator and what generator type is used.



When at the launcher page do the following.

  1. Drag the "tale_of_biomes.mcreator" file over the launcher and drop the file.
  2. The workspace should then open and set up as normal.
  3. It may take some time for MCreator to set up the workspace.
  4. It's a good idea to regenerate the code using the orange tag icon at the top right toolbar.

You can also regenerate the code by going to "Build and Run" > "Regenerate code and build".

Pull Requests & Forking

Currently, I am not accepting any pull requests for this project, if you want to make your version of the mod this is fine you can use the Fork Button to clone the repository to your account and build on that fork instead of merging directly into the project.