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This repository contains the instructions to collect the Gitome dataset available at


This repository contains the source code implementation used to replicate the experimental results obtained in the submitted study to the 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR204).

"Gitome: A curated dataset for GitHub README-related tasks"

authored by:

Claudio Di Sipio, Juri Di Rocco, Riccardo Rubei, Phuong Than Nguyen, and Davide Di Ruscio,

Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy

Python components

The Python scripts are organized as follows:

  • It contains all the necessary parameters to be configured
  • It contains all the functions to mine GitHub repositories
  • It contains all the needed functions to perform the data analysis and the statistical part
  • The main file to execute the whole data extraction pipeline

Installation requirements

To run the scripts, the following Python libraries need to be installed:

  • marko==2.0.1
  • matplotlib==3.8.0
  • numpy==1.26.1
  • pandas==2.1.1
  • PyGithub==2.1.1
  • requests==2.31.0
  • scikit-learn==1.3.2
  • scipy==1.11.3
  • seaborn==0.13.0

Data extraction pipeline

To run the whole pipeline, please run the following command:

python --path_unique "path/to/unique" --path_document "path/to/awesome" --topic "your_topic" --global_stats_file "path/to/global_stats" --global_file "path/to/global" --lang_dict_file "path/to/lang_dict" --langs_stats_file "path/to/langs_stats" --langs_stats_folder "path/to/langs_stats_folder" --langs_aggr_file "path/to/langs_aggr" --support "support_repo"

The sequence of functions is the following:

  1. collecting_existing_repo(args.path_unique)
  2. mu.get_document_repo(args.path_awesome, args.topic)
  3. data_preprocessing(args.global_stats_file, args.global_file)
  4. extracting_summarization_data(args.global_file)
  5. compute_domain_stats(args.lang_dict_file, args.global_file, args.langs_stats_file, args.langs_stats_folder)
  6. du.rm_structural_analysis('avg_code', 'avg_text', 'avg_tot', args.langs_aggr_file,

with the following list of parameters:

  • path_unique: Specifies the file path for the unique Github repositories
  • path_document: Indicates the file path for the document repositories
  • topic: It sets the topic of the document repositories, i.e., 'awesome-list' or 'documentation'.
  • global_stats_file: The file containing global statistics.
  • global_file: It contains the whole dataset stored on Zenodo archive.
  • lang_dict_file: The name of the file for language/topic dictionary in the format (term/frequency).
  • langs_stats_file: The file path for language/topic statistics.
  • langs_stats_folder: The path folder containing language/topic statistics.
  • langs_aggr_file: Points to the file for aggregated language data.
  • support: The number of supporting repositories for topics/language statistics

It is worth noting that all the abovementioned parameters can be set from the file.

Alternatively, you can run each function separately to collect individual files.

Collecting data from existing datasets

This function collects data from the existing dataset shown in the paper


where path_unique parameter identifies the unique list of repo, i.e., the gitome_repos.txt

Collecting document repositories

This function collects data from the Github URLs of the considered document repositories according to teh featured topics awesome-lists and description

mu.get_document_repo(args.path_document, args.topic)

where path_document is the path of the output file with the list of Github repositories and topic of the selected featured topic.

Note that all the GitHub mining-related activity needs to be authorized by setting the parameter TOKEN in the file.

Extracting summarization data

Once the data have been mined from GitHub, the process to extract the summarization data can be run using


where global_file is the CSV file obtained by the abovementioned scripts. This process will also produce df_stats.csv files with the statistics concerning the README files structure for the whole dataset.

Data cleaning

Before extracting the summarization data, we preprocess the collected data using the following function:

data_preprocessing(args.global_stats_file, args.global_file)

In particular, this file will merge the df_stats.csv file and the global.csv file for statistical purposes.

README analysis

To replicate the data shown in the paper concerning the application domains, we used the following function:

du.rm_structural_analysis('avg_code', 'avg_text', 'avg_tot', args.langs_aggr_file,

In particular, this function will filter the application domains represented by the language and topics according to the support value.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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