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Marvin E edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 18 revisions
Reference Tip
Displaying Dates A general rule to follow is that your PageStartMode should always be smaller than or equal to the time unit the calendar is navigating.
Displaying Dates If the amount of rows does not initialise correctly, try setting the AutoRows property before the Rows property.
None When setting the value of DayNameTemplate, in some cases, the DataTemplate's x:DataType property needs to be set in order for Converters or DataTriggers to work.
Sample App When copying code from the sample app, watch out for copy-paste errors. This way, common cases such as

- Copying code referencing a style defined in the sample app but not your app
- Copying code that references something in the ViewModel that isn't present in your app's ViewModel
- Copying code that relies on the nuget packages installed in the sample app

will be identified sooner and a larger amount of time can be spent on solving issues and implementing features rather than on identifying overlooked copy-paste issues.