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Mihai Lazarescu edited this page Dec 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

Developer instructions to create programming images for the MECT devices

The flow is based on Freescale LTIB and CodeSourcery development tools (now Mentor Graphics Sourcery Tools) with customizations for the target devices produced by MECT s.r.l..

Download, installation and device programming

Follow the instructions on the GitHub project page.

Most common development operations

In the following are described the procedures to perform some of the most used development operations.

Build target images

All target images are build under


The images and configurations needed by the Freescale Manufacturing Toolkit are stored in an archive named <make-target-name>r<version>.zip under the above directory.

The first LTIB installation builds only the programming images for the TPAC 1007 480x272 device. The images for other targets and configurations can be build using:

  • the target images builds the images for all the targets and their configurations:

      make images
  • or using specific targets, as follows:

    • TPAC 1006 320x240 with default network address (

        make TPAC1006_320x240
    • TPAC 1006 320x240 with network address

        make TPAC1006_IP112_320x240
    • TPAC 1006 320x240 with network address

        make TPAC1006_IP118_320x240
    • TPAC 1006 640x480 with default network address (

        make TPAC1006_640x480
    • TPAC 1006 640x480 with network address

        make TPAC1006_IP119_640x480
    • TPAC 1007 480x272 with default network address (

        make TPAC1007_480x272
    • TPAC 1007 480x272 with default network address

        make TPAC1007_IP113_480x272
    • TPAC 1007 480x272 with network address

        make TPAC1007_IP114_480x272
    • TPAC 1007 480x272 with network address

        make TPAC1007_IP120_480x272
    • TPAC 1008 800x600 with default network address (

        make TPAC1008_800x600
    • TPAC 1008 800x600 with network address

        make TPAC1008_IP208_800x600

Install updates

The procedure below will update the LTIB, kernel and busybox configurations, RPM spec files and the LTIB script, and will rebuild the target packages.

NOTE: the steps below will erase the sources expanded under the RPM build tree and any existing target RPM.
Make sure that you have saved any local changes before starting.

  1. go to the top-level installation directory (let's assume that it is <installdir>)

     cd <installdir>
  2. execute the ltib_update make target

     make ltib_update

    which will do, in order:

    • update the git clone to the latest commit on the master branch
    • apply the updated patches to:
      • LTIB, kernel and busybox configurations
      • spec files of the packages under <installdir>/ltib/dist/lfs-5.1
      • LTIB script and its modules
  3. execute the ltib_rebuild make target

     make ltib_rebuild

    which will do, in order:

    • remove all sources left unpacked in the <installdir>/ltib/rpm/BUILD directory
    • remove all platform packages previously build in <installdir>/ltib/rpm/RPMS/arm directory
    • rebuild all platform packages
    • rebuild the archive with the programming images for the target device in <installdir>/images-all/TPAC1007_480x272_r<version>/TPAC1007_480x272_r<version>.zip

    where <version> is the image version string that is assigned to the BUILD_RELEASE variable in the top-level Makefile.

Generate updates

With this procedure can be generated and uploaded to the git repository local changes made to LTIB, kernel and busybox configurations, RPM spec files and the LTIB script.

The steps are:

  1. run the make target ltib_genpatch:

     make ltib_genpatch

    This creates the following patches in the <installdir>/src directory:

    • ltib-mect-config.patch which includes the changes made to the original configurations of LTIB, kernel and busybox

    • ltib-mect-specs.patch which includes the changes made to the original spec files used to build the RPM packages

    • ltib-mect-bin.patch which includes the changes made to the original LTIB script and its modules

  2. review the changes using git diff (e.g., git diff src/ltib-mect-config.patch)

  3. stage the desired changes (e.g., git add src/ltib-mect-config.patch* -- the * at the end includes also the MD5 signature of the patch which ws automatically generated)

  4. commit the staged files to the local git index (e.g., git commit -- describe the changes when requested to)

  5. push the committed changes to the repository (e.g., git push)