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MERLev edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 15 revisions

Create / Edit / Remove remap rules here. Up to 50 remap rules are allowed per profile.

  • Use <create new remap rule> to add new rule to the list.
  • Use SQUARE to enable/disable (Default: ON) selected remap rule.
  • Use TRIANGLE to toggle propagation mode (Default: OFF) for selected rule. When propagation is enabled, remapped input would be sent alongside. emulated one. For example, if you enable propagation for a rule CROSS>SQUARE, pressing CROSS, will send both buttons, CROSS and SQUARE to the app, while with propagation disabled, only SQUARE will be sent. Propagation is ignored for Gyroscope> rules.
  • Use L1 to toggle 'sticky' mode (Default: OFF). When 'sticky' mode is enabled, rule will remain active, until you trigger it again.
  • Use R1 to toggle 'turbo' mode (Default: OFF). When turbo mode, rule is activated in short bursts, duration of witch could be set under Profile>Turbo menu.

Create new rule

Start by selecting what input behaviour you want to change:

  • Buttons - buttons and button combinations.
  • Left Analog stick - left analog stick. Left / Right / Up / Down directions could be chosen.
  • Right Analog stick - right analog stick. Left / Right / Up / Down directions could be chosen.
  • Front touch panel - Front touch panel, ds4 touchpad if ds4touch/ds34vita is used. Avaliable touch zones:
    • Whole touchpad
    • Center zone
    • Left zone - left half of the touchpanel.
    • Right zone - right half of the touchpanel.
    • Top Left zone - top left quarter of the touchpanel.
    • Top Right zone - top right quarter of the touchpanel.
    • Bottom Left zone - bottom left quarter of the touchpanel.
    • Bottom Right zone - bottom right quarter of the touchpanel.
    • Custom zone - set your own touchzone using analog sticks to move corners, or dpad to change coordinates.
  • Back touch panel - Rear touch panel. Avaliable touch zones are same, as for Front touch panel.
  • Gyroscope
    • FPS/Camera mode - this mode is aimed mostly to first/third person games. Gyroscope left/right/up/down should be remapped to corresponding directions of Analog stick, which controls camera. I don't see much reason into using Roll Left/Roll Right in this mode.
    • Flight/Racing mode - this mode is aimed into Flight / Racing simulators.
      • For racing games, map Roll Left/Roll Right to corresponding Analog stick directions.
      • For Flight games remap left/right/up/down to corresponding Analog stick directions. This mode, requires from you to Calibrate you gyro oftenly - use corresponding Hotkey or use Profile>Gyroscope menu to do it.

Now, select what action should be triggered:

  • Buttons - buttons and button combinations.
  • Left Analog stick - left analog stick. Left / Right / Up / Down directions could be chosen.
  • Right Analog stick - right analog stick. Left / Right / Up / Down directions could be chosen.
  • Left Analog stick [DIGITAL] - Acts the same as Left Analog stick for all remap rules, except for Analog stick> and Gyroscope>, for which it will trigger with max or min values only.
  • Right Analog stick [DIGITAL] - Acts the same as Right Analog stick for all remap rules, except for Analog stick> and Gyroscope>, for which it will trigger with max or min values only.
  • Front touch panel - Front touch panel actions:
    • Center Touch - emulates touch at center of touchpanel.
    • Left Touch - emulates touch at left half of touchpanel.
    • Right Touch - emulates touch at right half of touchpanel.
    • Top Left Touch - emulates touch at top left corner of the touchpanel.
    • Top Right Touch - emulates touch at top right corner of the touchpanel.
    • Bottom Left Touch - emulates touch at bottom left corner of the touchpanel.
    • Bottom Right Touch - emulates touch at bottom right corner of the touchpanel.
    • Custom Touch - emulates touch at a custom point on touchpanel, using analog sticks to move it, or dpad to change coordinates.
    • Swipe - emulates swipe from Point A to Point B. Select Point A and Point B using analog sticks / dpad. Swipe duration could be set under Profile>Touch
    • Swipe controlled with Left Analog Stick - emulates swipe, with touch point could be controlled with Left Analog Stick. Select starting point using analog sticks / dpad. Touch pointer movement speed could be set under Profile>Touch
    • Swipe controlled with Right Analog Stick - emulates swipe, with touch point could be controlled with Right Analog Stick. Select starting point using analog sticks / dpad. Touch pointer movement speed could be set under Profile>Touch
    • Swipe controlled with DPad - emulates swipe, with touch point could be controlled with DPad. Select starting point using analog sticks / dpad. Touch pointer movement speed could be set under Profile>Touch
  • Back touch panel - Rear touch panel actions, are same, as for Front touch panel.
  • System actions - allows you to set Settings>Hotkeys, but on per-app basis.
  • reVita settings - allows to change some of current profile options. Changes done are not saved though.
  • Disabled - do nothing. With propagation set to OFF (Which is by default), efectivly just disables original input.