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A co-infection detection pipeline focusing on SNP call frequencies.

In each sample, the pipeline consider genomic positions where the alternative allele frequency is ≥85% (homozygous SNPs); positions where more than one allele coexists and the major allele frequency is between 15 and 85% (heterozygous SNPs); and positions where the alternative allele is ≤15% and is considered background sequencing noise and therefore excluded.

1. Install and activate conda environment

git clone
cd SARS_COVinfections
conda env update -n sars_covinf --file SARS_COVinfections.yml
conda activate sars_covinf

2. Run the python pipeline

python -i test_fastq \
  -r reference/COVID_ref.fasta -o test \
  -t 4 -p primers/nCoV-2019.bed

Mandatory arguments:

-i: input directory of paired fastq files.
-r: reference genome in fasta format.
-o: output directory. If it does not exist, it will be created.
-t: Number of threads.
-p: Primers used for sequencing.

Optional arguments:

--min_DP: minimum frequency (depth) to accept a SNP.
--min_HOM: minimum proportion for homocygosis.
--ambiguity: minimum confident fraction to segregate.
--pangolin: pangolin annotation.
--snipit: snipit visualisation of SNPs.

To see all available options:

python -h

Output generated

The output directories created are

  • Bam: Bam file with reads mapped to reference.

  • Consensus:

    • ivar consensus fasta
    • Co-infection output folder:
      • ALN: Visual representation of HTZ positions.
      • Sequences: Majority (2) and Minority (1) sequences.
      • Stats: Co-infection statistics.
  • Quality: Fastq quality.

  • Stats: Coverage and bam stats.

  • Trimmed: Fastq trimmed.

  • Variants: tsv file with SNVs.

If you use SARS_COVinfections pipeline, please cite our publication:

Peñas-Utrilla, D., Pérez-Lago, L., Molero-Salinas, A. et al. Systematic genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 co-infections throughout the pandemic and segregation of the strains involved. Genome Med 15, 57 (2023).


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  • Python 100.0%