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Cyberpunk Worker Placement Stream game

Turn Structure

Every minute someone will have a chance to place there hacker on a node. For that minute they can type a chat command in order to place there hacker. Once they place their hacker they will receive the benefit of the node, whether that is a resource, or a sound/visual effect playing, or a stock of a sound/visual effect.

Once the minute is up, the next player takes their turn. A player can't go on a spot taken by another player. If a player can't receive the benefit of a node (because it requires resource they don't have) they will receive 10 credits. Credits can be used in crafting to make other resources.


Hackers are entities that you place on a node to get a certain effect/resource. A Hacker will occupy a node for a certain amount of time before giving the benefit, and other Hackers can't visit that node while there is a Hacker there.

Subscribing to the channel automatically Augments a Hacker with a module that doubles their effectiveness. Other Augments can be crafted or found during Corp raids.


Nodes are an area to put hackers on. A node will give a benefit to the player who put their hacker there. Benefits can be resources, instant rewards, permanent changes to nodes, or an item that allows the player to activate a stream feature at a later time. Nodes are subject to change based on events, player actions, and number of players.

Nodes will also kick off hackers after a certain amount of time based on how many current nodes there are. So if there are 6 nodes currently on the board, then a node can be occupied for 3 or 4 turns before it kicks that person off.

Special Nodes called Corps will pop up from time to time that have special loot but require many resources to acquire. They will show up about once every 20 turns or so. The Program resource is always required to take a Corp Node.


There are 4 kinds of resources with a variety of rarities:

  1. Credits: Are used in most Crafting Recipes and in nodes that allow players to get favors.
  2. Favors: Favors are used in a lot of Crafting Recipes and in nodes that allow players to get Secrets.
  3. Secrets: Secrets are used in rare Crafting Recipes and in nodes that allow players to acquire Programs.
  4. Programs: Programs are exclusively used on nodes to attain special items such as Costumes, Hacker Augments, Node Modifications and unlocking new Nodes.

Resources are acquired by Hacking Nodes. Credits are always attainable by hacking a node that has too many requirements for that player.


Players can craft a variety of things with the resources they obtain. In general a resource can always be broken down, but is very expensive to craft up. So a Program can be crafted into 10 Secrets, but it would cost 20 Secrets, 40 Favors, and 100 Credits to craft a Program. Crafting can also be used to make special items such Stream Rewards, Costume Shards, and more.


Eventually players should be able to trade with each other, pretty much anything for anything.


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