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Alexandre Dulaunoy edited this page Jan 13, 2014 · 2 revisions

New Exploit

  • a new CVE is published
  • an analyst who was working on a sample realise it is related, he publishes the hash
  • when adding the Hash in our MISP instance, we discover other events using this vulnerability

Messy list of hashes

  • a big list of hashes is published anonymously without context
  • when added in a MISP Instance, we can link it to an attack


  • the report has a lot of IOCs (hashes, ips, domains...)
  • when added into MISP, we link it to multiple former events and inform the victims


  • Multiple malwares are investigated at the same time by different entities
  • They all contain the same highly specific mutex and can be connected and help to identify the attacker

Malware analysis and critical classification

  • A analyst is reversing a malware but doesn't know the level of risk with the associated (lack of context)
  • The analyst enters the indicators into MISP to check if some other events (with a proper context) are triggered