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Quick Start

Usage in C++ Projects

TEASER++ supports integration with other CMake projects. When installing TEASER++, CMake will export the following targets that can be included in other CMake projects using find_package():

  • teaserpp::teaser_registration: the core registration library
  • teaserpp::teaser_io: library for importing .ply files
  • teaserpp::teaser_features: convenience wrappers around the PCL FPFH library, and simple feature matching functions

A minimally-working CMakeList.txt looks something like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
find_package(teaserpp REQUIRED)

# Change this line to include your own executable file
add_executable(cpp_example cpp_example.cpp)

# Link to teaserpp & Eigen3
target_link_libraries(cpp_example Eigen3::Eigen teaserpp::teaser_registration teaserpp::teaser_io)

A minimal TEASER++ C++ program looks something like this:

#include <teaser/registration.h>

teaser::RobustRegistrationSolver::Params params;
teaser::RobustRegistrationSolver solver(params);
solver.solve(src, dst); // assuming src & dst are 3-by-N Eigen matrices
auto solution = solver.getSolution();

So, what did that code do?

  1. First, we included the registration header.
  2. Next, we default initialized a parameter struct for controlling the behavior of our solver.
  3. Next, we initialized our solver with the parameter struct.
  4. We then solve the registration problem by calling the solve() function.
  5. Finally, we obtain the solution.

In the examples folder of the project repo, you can find two C++ examples that can be compiled with CMake:

  • teaser_cpp_ply: showing how to import .ply files and perform registration with TEASER++,
  • teaser_cpp_fpfh: showing how to use TEASER++ with FPFH features.

For complete C++ API documentation, please refer to api-cpp.

Usage in Python Projects

A minimal TEASER++ Python program looks something like this:

import numpy as np
import teaserpp_python

# Generate random data points
src = np.random.rand(3, 20)

# Apply arbitrary scale, translation and rotation
scale = 1.5
translation = np.array([[1], [0], [-1]])
rotation = np.array([[0.98370992, 0.17903344,    -0.01618098],
                     [-0.04165862, 0.13947877,    -0.98934839],
                     [-0.17486954, 0.9739059,    0.14466493]])
dst = scale * np.matmul(rotation, src) + translation

# Add two outliers
dst[:, 1] += 10
dst[:, 9] += 15

# Populate the parameters
solver_params = teaserpp_python   .RobustRegistrationSolver.Params()
solver_params.cbar2 = 1
solver_params.noise_bound = 0.01
solver_params.estimate_scaling = True
solver_params.rotation_estimation_algorithm = (
    teaserpp_python.RobustRegistrationSolver   .ROTATION_ESTIMATION_ALGORITHM.GNC_TLS
solver_params.rotation_gnc_factor = 1.4
solver_params.rotation_max_iterations = 100
solver_params.rotation_cost_threshold = 1e-12
print("TEASER++ Parameters are:", solver_params)
teaserpp_solver = teaserpp_python   .RobustRegistrationSolver(solver_params)

solver = teaserpp_python.RobustRegistrationSolver(solver_params)
solver.solve(src, dst)

solution = solver.getSolution()

# Print the solution
print("Solution is:", solution)

So, what did that code do?

  1. First, we imported numpy and our Python binding, named teaserpp_python.
  2. We generated some random correspondences.
  3. Next, we initialized a parameter object for controlling the behavior of our solver. We initialized our solver with the parameter object.
  4. We then solve the registration problem by calling the solve() function.
  5. Finally, we obtain the solution.

Note that this is extremely similar to the C++ version by design.

In the examples folder of the project repo, you can find two more Python examples that are runnable:

  • teaser_python_ply: showing how to import .ply files and perform registration with TEASER++ and Open3D,
  • teaser_python_3dsmooth: showing how to use TEASER++ on descriptors generated by 3DSmoothNet on the 3DMatch dataset, with Open3D visualization.
  • teaser_python_fpfh_icp: showing how to use TEASER++ on FPFH descriptors with ICP refinement, with detailed instruction on setting up conda environments.

For more Python API documentation, please refer to api-python.

Usage in MATLAB Projects

Contrary to the object-oriented designs in C++ and Python, in MATLAB you only have access to a single solve function, and you can pass in the parameters through named arguments:

[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve(src, dst, 'Cbar2', 1, 'NoiseBound', 0.01, ...
                                  'EstimateScaling', true, 'RotationEstimationAlgorithm', 0, ...
                                  'RotationGNCFactor', 1.4, 'RotationMaxIterations', 100, ...
                                  'RotationCostThreshold', 1e-12);

Assume we have src and dst, two 3-by-N matrices. And we know that dst = R * src + t + e, where e is bounded within 0.01. The following is a snippet of how you can use TEASER++'s MATLAB bindings to solve it:

cbar2 = 1;
noise_bound = 0.01;
estimate_scaling = false; % we know there's no scale difference
rot_alg = 0; % use GNC-TLS, set to 1 for FGR
rot_gnc_factor = 1.4;
rot_max_iters = 100;
rot_cost_threshold = 1e-12;

[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve(src, dst, 'Cbar2', cbar2, 'NoiseBound', noise_bound, ...
                                     'EstimateScaling', estimate_scaling, 'RotationEstimationAlgorithm', rot_alg, ...
                                  'RotationGNCFactor', rot_gnc_factor, 'RotationMaxIterations', 100, ...
                                  'RotationCostThreshold', rot_cost_threshold);

Similarly, if we don't know the scale, here is a snippet for solving the registration problem with MATLAB bindings:

cbar2 = 1;
noise_bound = 0.01;
estimate_scaling = true;
rot_alg = 0; % use GNC-TLS, set to 1 to use FGR
rot_gnc_factor = 1.4;
rot_max_iters = 100;
rot_cost_threshold = 1e-12;

[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve(src, dst, 'Cbar2', cbar2, 'NoiseBound', noise_bound, ...
                                     'EstimateScaling', estimate_scaling, 'RotationEstimationAlgorithm', rot_alg, ...
                                  'RotationGNCFactor', rot_gnc_factor, 'RotationMaxIterations', 100, ...
                                  'RotationCostThreshold', rot_cost_threshold);

For more MATLAB API documentation, please refer to api-matlab.

Usage In ROS Projects

To use TEASER++ in a ROS environment, simple clone the repo to your catkin workspace.