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redirect from Worldcat Discovery to BorrowDirect / VuFind


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redirect from Worldcat Discovery to BorrowDirect / VuFind

Required ENV

SENTRY_DSN = If set to a valid Sentry DSN, enables Sentry exception monitoring. This is not needed for local development.

WORKSPACE = Set to dev for local development, this will be set to stage and prod in those environments by Terraform.

Developing locally

Makefile commands for installation and dependency management

make install # installs with dev dependencies
make test # runs tests and outputs coverage report
make lint # runs code linting, quality, and safety checks
make update # updates dependencies

Build the container

make dist-dev

Run the default handler for the container

docker run -e WORKSPACE=dev -p 9000:8080 wcd2reshare-dev:latest

POST to the container.

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{"queryStringParameters":{"rft.title": "baseketball"}}'

Observe output

    "headers": {
        "Location": ""
    "statusCode": 307

NOTE: The POST command and observed output above will verify that the lambda_handler function is working as expected from within the container. The Lambda function url cannot be tested locally and has to be verified in AWS dev.