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Wiley-Deposits is a Python CLI application for processing MIT-affiliated author manuscripts from Wiley. It is part of a workflow that uploads Wiley publications to DSpace@MIT via the Dspace Submission Service (DSS).

At a high level, this is accomplished by:

  1. Running the deposit command to retrieve metadata and files from Wiley and submit messages to DSS.

  2. Running DSS to process messages from previous step and upload metadata and bitstreams (files) to DSpace@MIT.

  3. Running the listen command to update a DynamoDB table that tracks all Wiley deposits.

Diagrams describing the workflow in greater detail are provided in docs/


  • To preview a list of available Makefile commands: make help
  • To install with dev dependencies: make install
  • To update dependencies: make update
  • To run unit tests: make test
  • To lint the repo: make lint
  • To run the app: pipenv run awd --help

Environment Variables


WORKSPACE=### Set to 'dev' for local development, this will be set to 'stage' and 'prod' in those environments by Terraform.

SENTRY_DSN=### If set to a valid Sentry DSN, enables Sentry exception monitoring. This is not needed for local development.

DOI_TABLE=### The name of the DynamoDB table tracking Wiley deposits, e.g. 'wiley-<env>'.

METADATA_URL=### URL for the Crossref REST API used to retrieve metadata, i.e., "".

CONTENT_URL=### Base URL for downloading PDFs from the Wiley Online Library.

BUCKET=### S3 bucket storing CSVs from Wiley and downloaded content for publications.

SQS_BASE_URL=### Base URL for message queuing service.

SQS_INPUT_QUEUE=### Name of the queue for DSS, e.g. 'dss-input-<env>'.

SQS_OUTPUT_QUEUE=### Name of the queue used in tracking Wiley deposits via the DynamoDB table, e.g. 'dss-wiley-output-<env>'.

COLLECTION_HANDLE=### Collection handle for the 'MIT Open Access Articles' on DSpace@MIT.

LOG_SOURCE_EMAIL=### Source email address used in the email for Wiley-Deposit errors.

LOG_RECIPIENT_EMAIL=### Recipient email address used in the email for Wiley-Deposit errors.

RETRY_THRESHOLD=### Maximum number of attempts allowed to process a Wiley publication.


LOG_LEVEL=### Logging level. Defaults to 'INFO'.

CLI Commands



  --help  Show this message and exit.

  deposit  Process DOIs from .csv files and unprocessed DOIs from DynamoDB.
  listen   Retrieve messages from an SQS queue and email the results to stakeholders.

awd deposit

Usage: -c deposit [OPTIONS]

  Process DOIs from .csv files and unprocessed DOIs from DynamoDB.

  Retrieve metadata and PDFs for the DOI and send a message to an SQS queue.
  Errors generated during the process are emailed to stakeholders.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

awd listen

Usage: -c listen [OPTIONS]

  Retrieve messages from an SQS queue and email the results to stakeholders.

  --help  Show this message and exit.