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A pipelined implementation of the QNICE CPU


This implementation is essentially a three-stage pipeline consisting of:

  • FETCH: Fetches from the instruction memory and presents up to two words at a time to the DECODE stage.
  • DECODE: Outputs a sequence of single micro-operations to the EXECUTE stage.
  • EXECUTE: Executes one micro-operation.

See the following block diagram:

Block Diagram

The block diagram contains two additional blocks:

  • REGISTERS: Contains all the CPU registers and supports two read ports and one write port.
  • MEMORY: Interfaces to the Wishbone memory bus and supports two read ports and one write port.

The flow through the pipeline is that an instruction will spend one or two clock cycles in the FETCH stage (two cycles if it uses an immediate operand), and up to three clock cycles in the DECODE stage. The EXECUTE stage is purely combinatorial.

Detailed design description

For more detailed information about the design look here:


I think it's worh while to give here a short summary of the Wishbone protocol. Any wishbone slave (e.g. the memory) must have the following signals.

wb_cyc_i   : out std_logic;
wb_stb_i   : out std_logic;
wb_stall_o : in  std_logic;
wb_addr_i  : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
wb_we_i    : out std_logic;
wb_data_i  : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
wb_ack_o   : in  std_logic;
wb_data_o  : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)

A write transaction is indicated by the CPU asserting all three signals wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, and wb_we_i simultaneously together with the address and data signals wb_addr_i and wb_data_i. The signal wb_stall_o is used to indicate the end of the transaction. When wb_stall_o the slave has accepted the transaction.

A write transaction is indicated by the CPU asserting the two signals wb_cyc_i and wb_stb_i, and de-asserting wb_we_i. Again the signal wb_stall_o is used to indicate the end of the transaction. When wb_stall_o the slave has accepted the transaction. When the data is ready, the slave drives the data but wb_data_o and asserts the signal wb_ack_o.


Analyzing the timing of a QNICE assembly program is not simple, due to the pipeline architecture. Some instructions - like MOVE 0x0000, R0 - are limited by the bandwidth of the instruction memory, while other instructions - like MOVE @R0, @R1 - are limited by the bandwidth of the data memory.

What this means is that the instruction MOVE 0x0000, R0 needs only one clock cycle to execute, but it needs two clock cycles to read the instruction and immediate operand from the instruction memory. On the other hand the instruction MOVE @R0, @R1 needs only one clock cycle to read from instruction memory, but needs at least two clock cycles to execute.

In the file test/prog_interleave.asm I conduct a small experiment, where I first have a sequence of identical instructions MOVE 0x0000, R0 that each take two clock cycles, then a sequence of identical instructions MOVE @R0, @R1 that again take two clock cycles each. The final part contains alternating instructions MOVE 0x0000, R0 and MOVE @R0, @R1, and this sequence of two instructions take a total of three instructions to execute. So the pair of instructions are faster than the sum of each individual instruction, because the instruction and data memories are operating simultaneously.


I have a few ideas for cycle optimizations at the moment:

  • Make the fetch module not clear wbi_cyc_o at every branch. This will reduce the branch penalty by one clock cycle.


  • Add remaining formal verification.
  • Add interrupts.


The current synthesis report shows the following utilization:

Name LUTs Regs Slices
Fetch 67 152 42
Decode 73 76 40
Execute 494 0 179
Registers 105 142 54
Memory 43 37 32
TOTAL 782 407 267