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This Docker container provides a Jupyter Notebook environment with some useful tools pre-installed. It's based on Ubuntu latest version and includes Node.js, Pandoc, Git, and several Python libraries.



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Dockerized Jupyter Notebook

Welcome to the Dockerized Jupyter Notebook environment, a versatile platform with essential tools pre-installed to empower your data science and development workflows. Built on the latest Ubuntu version, this container includes Node.js, Pandoc, Git, and various Python libraries.


Before diving in, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

Begin your journey by cloning the repository to your local machine:

# clone the repository
git clone --depth 1

# navigate to the project directory
cd dockerized-jupyter-notebook

Cloud / Tool Support

Our Docker container is armed with various command-line interfaces (CLIs) for cloud services, covering AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, Terraform, Helm, Kubectl, and Ansible. These tools are pre-installed, enabling seamless interaction with cloud platforms from within the Jupyter Notebook environment.

To tailor the tool support to your needs, edit the .env file and set the corresponding environment variables to true:


Adjust the values to true for the tools you wish to install. For instance, to include the AWS CLI, set the AWS_CLI environment variable to true:

-  AWS_CLI=false
+  AWS_CLI=true
  # ... (adjust other variables as needed)

Build the Image

With the repository cloned and tool support configured, build the Docker image using the following command:

# build the image
docker-compose build

Run the Container

Now, launch the container with the following command:

# run the container
docker-compose up -d

This command initializes a container named jupyter, mapping port 8888 to the host and mounting the notebook directory to the container's /notebook directory.

Access Jupyter Notebook

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8888. You will be directed to the Jupyter Notebook's home page without requiring a token or password.

Jupyter Notebook Home Page

Stop the Container

To halt the container when you're done, use the following command:

# stop the container
docker-compose down


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to explore, contribute, and adapt it to suit your needs. Happy coding!


This Docker container provides a Jupyter Notebook environment with some useful tools pre-installed. It's based on Ubuntu latest version and includes Node.js, Pandoc, Git, and several Python libraries.




