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64x32 Enhanced Layout (Deprecated)

Tyler Porter edited this page Apr 23, 2022 · 1 revision

⚠️ This layout is likely incompatible with release of v5.0.0. This material is useful as a reference for the capabilities custom templates only. Use at your own risk. ⚠️

Enhancement of v3.2.1 default 64x32 LED layout.

  • added line between team names (looks nicer especially if teams have same background color)
  • aligned inning number and scores
  • centered bases

64x32 Enhanced Layout Photo

  "defaults": {
    "font_name": "4x6"
  "bases": {
    "1B": {
      "x": 37,
      "y": 22,
      "size": 6
    "2B": {
      "x": 32,
      "y": 17,
      "size": 6
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      "y": 22,
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      "y": 22
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      "width": 64
    "nohit_text": {
      "x": 1,
      "y": 21
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      "x": 62,
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      "size": 2,
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        "y": 28,
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        "y": 28,
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        "x": 13,
        "y": 28,
        "size": 2
    "3": {
      "x": 17,
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      "nohit": {
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        "y": 28,
        "size": 2
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        "x": 17,
        "y": 28,
        "size": 2
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    "y": 23,
    "nohit": {
      "x": 9,
      "y": 21
    "perfect_game": {
      "x": 9,
      "y": 21
  "nohitter": {
    "x": 9,
    "y": 27,
    "innings_until_display": 5
  "pregame": {
    "scrolling_text": {
      "x": 0,
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      "width": 64,
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        "x": 0,
        "y": 31,
        "width": 64
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      "x": 32,
      "y": 22
    "warmup_text": {
      "x": 32,
      "y": 22
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    "height": 30,
    "width": 64,
    "divider": {
      "x": 13
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      "x": 28
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      "name": {
        "x": 1
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        "x": 31
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        "x": 64
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        "y": 6
      "home": {
        "x": 62,
        "y": 14
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      "x": 40,
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      "y": 23
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      "width": 15,
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